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Everything posted by Calexico

  1. Howling Bells and Lisa Gerrard are the only two I know of. I presume she is the same Lisa that did music for Gladiator and worked with Dead Can Dance.
  2. Just be careful to pony up when they pass the collection plate around or you may end up frozen in carbonite.
  3. Is it just me or does Oxegen seem a more corporate event? EP seems to be a better vibe from what I can gather. I'll tel you one thing that is a pain in the arse, living in Cork when every decent gig is in Dublin. However, not even that would make me live in that shit hole.
  4. I am glad someone else said this first. I look as old as dirt as it is without being "undown" with the kids speak.
  5. Seinfeld and cricket? A-Man you never cease to amaze me with your knowledge of pop culture and all things mostly irrelevant.
  6. Top marks for the cricket reference. I always find something worthwhile in most every Dylan album. The last one I really loved was one which lots of people don't like at all and that was Shot Of Love.
  7. I never even knew they were still together. I quite liked the singles off the first album but lost interest after that.
  8. Never mind, you win the battle of the porn moustaches though.
  9. Another one I like, of course everyone knows the songs but that doesn't take away from their simple brilliance.
  10. Tom Waits Warren Zevon Neil Young
  11. Modern Times? Really? I must say I thought it was the best thing he had done in years. You plough a furrow all on your own A-Man.
  12. Calexico

    Another Stream

    How about some feckin' dates over here huh? And not the crappy, youth infested festivals.
  13. Big time! Nice pick oh large hatted one! Tom Waits - Closing Time Roxy Music - Roxy Music
  14. REM to play five-night Dublin stint The band get set to roadtest new album 30.Mar.07 5:10pm REM are to roadtest new material at a five-night summer stint in Dublin. The band will play the shows prior to the recording of the follow-up to 2004's 'Around The Sun' with producer Jacknife Lee. The dates at the Olympia Theatre kick off on June 30. They will also play the venue on July 1, 3, 4 and 5. Tickets are available now from remhq.com now and in person from the Olympia box office tomorrow (March 31). Frontman Michael Stipe said of the shows: "Returning to Dublin for our live rehearsal
  15. Finally got around to picking this up. Good to hear the songs recorded well instead of boots. Break Your Heart sounds great. I also spotted this review of it on Amazon. Seems like this guy/gal would fit in here. "I need there to be at least 48 reviews of this album so that I can sleep at night. That is all. Oh, and Wilco stirs an emotion within me similar to that of unicorn giggles."
  16. Well, at least I know I amnot alone in my obsessiveness.
  17. Is it because we get albums so easily now, with leaks and downloads, that our attention span has shortened and we are on to the next great thing without taking the time to smell the roses, so to speak?
  18. You mean like Air Supply fans? Living amongst us in the community?
  19. That was the only dual disc thing I ever bought. The parent company, CBS (??), had a bunch of albums advertised with it at the time but I am betting it was dead in the water after a while.
  20. The dual disc thing? Yeah, mine is the same. Just as well I don't play the album that much anymore.
  21. I am gonna give this one a good portion of time over the weekend to sink in. I was playing it on the way home from work on Thursday and it really started to sink in. I might have made a rash judgement, which is nothing new with me really. Dammit, that Stephen song totally reminds me of something else and I can't pin it down. It's the piano riff I think. Ben Folds?
  22. I think you have to be in a certain kind of mellow mood for it. It isn't something I would listen to every day and neither was Trouble but when you are feeling sort of laid back and relaxed, it fits right in.
  23. Yeah, nice one. Tim's album is a keeper. NP: Only just got this. He sings like an angel.
  24. Paul McCartney: To get to the other side. Big Parm: What? Paul McCartney: That's why the chicken crossed the road. Big Parm: You totally just tarantinoed that joke.
  25. Hmmm..looking stupid and exiting the internet....CALL ME!
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