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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. It gets better and better. http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/the_...u-think-yo.html
  2. Has this been posted yet? Obama/McCain Dance Off!
  3. Let's try to get that joke in every thread!
  4. How can you forget the guitar-off with Chris Funk of The Decemberists! There was also Feist, The Roots, Carole King, Nas......tons more.
  5. I like the third album, actually. But it is pretty hokey compared to the first two.
  6. Do you really have 26K posts???? Go ride a bike or something! Signed, Someone who rated Paul's Boutique at #1 of her top 20 albums of all time.
  7. Jeez, I thought you were going to say they were 10 years old or under.
  8. "Spread the wealth" is here Taxes do it already So American
  9. I think I'm just dense, but I totally didn't get it!!! Great name, though.
  10. I'm so upset, they aren't doing that show anymore. My husband and I were going to try out with a friend.
  11. So if that's your idea of being non-socialist, isn't it fair to say that based on our taxes right now that we are already dipping into to socialist waters? I'll ask again, what is so different about Obama's tax plan besides the amounts of money involved from the tax plan we currently use?
  12. Welcome to VC! It's TOO easy to waste a substantial amount of time here, so watch out!
  13. I really don't understand the socialist angle. Don't taxes always redistribute wealth? As Colin Powell said, the money always goes back to the people in one form or another. How does Obama wanting to adjust the amount equate to socialism? What, besides the dollar amount being paid, would actually change? I'm seriously asking, because I don't understand where this comes from.
  14. I don't fully agree with this. One candidate accuses the other of associating with terrorists, while some members of the public predict race and class war if their candidate loses. Unless I missed statements made by Obama on the race issue, there is a BIG difference between the two points. Now this I agree with.
  15. Exactly, sweetheart-mine. I used to have a lot of respect for McCain, and was choosing Obama based on the actual issues, not because Obama is some kind of second coming. But between his answer to the outbursts from the "fringe" at his rallies and his repeated use of the term "pro abortion" at the last debate I lost the remainder of my respect for him. The increase in negative campaign tactics is really the last straw for me.
  16. What bothers me is that McCain and Palin don't do anything to stop it, and even seem to instigate it by asking "Who is the real Obama?" and walking away (Palin). When McCain was asked about this at the debate, his answer should have been "I don't agree with it, I don't condone it, and although I can't control what people say, I'm completely disgusted by it."
  17. http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/vid...lin-rap/773781/
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