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Everything posted by jff

  1. Looking at it again, I think the Solid Sound thing with the red and yellow S is actually a sticker on the mylar sleeve that the 45 is on top of in the photo. The fact that it's perfectly centered makes it look like a 45 without a hole.
  2. Why doesn't that 45 have a hole?
  3. I Might sounds great to me. I love My Label is kind of dull. A throwaway, even for Nick Lowe.
  4. Me neither, but it's not about sound. The thread is about the way Bruce and Clarence interact(ed) as personalities on-stage, and trying (failing) to find a similar dynamic in other bands.
  5. That's all true, but I meant in terms of: when they were on stage working together, the dynamic between Jay and Jeff is the closest thing to a Bruce/Clarence dynamic I can think of in Wilco's history. And even that is a bit of a stretch.
  6. I don't think so. Clarence was given the spotlight regularly. Multiple times per show, I would guess (not having ever seen E. Street). John very, very rarely takes the spotlight in Wilco, and when he does, it's not even close to the equivalent of the "EVERYONE ON YOUR FEET FOR THE THE BIG MAN" moment that Clarence gets. Thankfully. If they had said Jay was Jeff's Clarence, they would have been a lot closer to the mark.
  7. I used to be very staunchly in John's corner. I still consider Paul a weaker songwriter, but I have more respect for him now than I used to. Paul has never written anything that does for me what numerous John songs do.
  8. Not liking an album title = getting worked up? Interesting.
  9. Maybe the album is nowhere near as good as the clips and Tweedy had them pulled to prevent disappointment upon release.
  10. That's good news. I think the "Get Well Soon, Everyone" title is pretty stupid. Hopefully they're rethinking that one.
  11. Some of this material sounds better than anything they've done in a long time. I hope they don't gloss it up too much.
  12. I've been on the lookout for Quartet Music stuff for a while. I think one of them is back in print finally (available on Amazon). For a few years there, starting around the time just before the Singers formed, I'd grab anything I could find with Nels on it. I can't keep up anymore.
  13. Sorry you're going through this, Bosco. Best wishes moving forward.
  14. I have the triple 7", too. I didn't know they were re-releasing it. Awesome stuff! I think Nels said he was copying Polvo by releasing a triple 7". Polvo did that with their Celebrate the New Dark Age ep. Now all you need is Silencer (recently reissued), Chest and their various 7" releases, all of which are pretty easy to track down.
  15. I saw part of that Neil Young tribute last night. The guy doing Harvest Moon...that was the worst piece of shit I've ever heard in my life.
  16. I've never seen Tweedy in a Greenpeace dinghy, so no, he's not "all Bono" yet.
  17. Something similar to this would be the ideal scenario. I'm still hoping we'll find a friend or relative that will take her in.
  18. I'm confident that our cat's behavior stems from jealousy over me and my wife. I've never witnessed this cat act out towards another animal except for when I or my wife are present. It mainly happens when she is sitting on (or next to) one of us and another animal comes along and gets too close. Then everyone within paw range gets cut. I'm sure no-kill shelters do have to euthanize animals from time to time, due to age, health or behavior. They're only "no-kill" in that they don't euthanize the animals based on their adoption period having expired, like the county/city pound does.
  19. We have not had her examined specifically to address her behavior issues, but she is up to date on shots, etc., and no issues of concern have ever been mentioned by the vet.
  20. Wow, that's a terrible scenario. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I'm glad you found a sympathetic vet that helped provide closure. The no kill shelter here is a three bedroom house with a bunch of kitty condos and cat toys. The cats live there, roaming freely and lounging around until they get adopted. On-site vets provide care and shots for the animals when needed. We have two cats that we adopted from them and they are well adjusted and gentle animals. Since we had success with the animals we adopted there, I feel pretty comfortable bringing our problem cat there for a chance
  21. I think we're going to attempt to surrender her to the local no-kill shelter this weekend. Because of her long white fur and different colored eyes, we think some crazy cat person might want her for aesthetic reasons. If the shelter won't take her, maybe we'll make her an outdoor cat. Although she's an indoor cat, she has been outside a couple times unsupervised for a whole day and didn't get lost or hurt.
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