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Everything posted by jff

  1. As a youngster, I always enjoyed seeimg him and G.E. Smith each week on Saturday Night Live. They probably infuenced my taste in music (and my appreciation for classic vintage guitars) as much as anyone.
  2. Add Face to Face to that list, and you're pretty well covered. In my opinion, it's a better album than Something Else or Muswell Hillbillies.
  3. Surely they'll play "Don't Kill the Whale."
  4. I have the head and cabinet version of the Valve Junior. 10" speaker. It really comes alive with an echo pedal. It's currently being used as an amp for a Rhodes piano, and serves that role extremely well.
  5. I might do that. How easy is it to get ticket pairs on the street? My wife will probably want to go.
  6. The day before that it was "Where the hell is Appollo Ohno's mom?" As if that's any of our business. The day before that it was "Young male athlete wins medal, likes partying with girls (OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG-OMG!!!!!!!!!!), loses medal." Maybe on a blog, or something. I'd like to be able to expect a little more from mainstream news sources.
  7. They were definitely influenced by bands that were influenced by bands that were influenced by the Stooges. The way it looks to me is that the HOF wants all the inductors to be people who will eventually be inductees. I doubt Mudhoney or Radio Birdman will ever get in, but Green Day will.
  8. All the supposedly "controversial" happenings at these olympis games have become stifling. The media is doing an absolutely fucking horrible job, across the board, reporting on the games.
  9. It was $50 for lawn seats when I saw him on the Echo tour. I would think he'd try to keep it as low as possible, especially since everyone was reminded in the recent Heartbreakers documentary about how he refused to let his fans be overcharged. I'm thinking $75.
  10. Was ABBA an influence on the Bee-Gees turning into a disco band? If that were the case, I could understand why Robin Gibb is doing the intro. By that same reasoning, it makes sense to have Billie Joe introducing The Stooges, but I still think he's an uninspired choice. I would have rather seen Lou Reed, or Bowie, or even John Lydon intruduce the Stooges. Maybe all those people were asked and said no.
  11. "Green Day’s Billie Joe Armstrong will honor The Stooges" I have mixed feeling about this. I have nothing against Green Day as a band or as people, but that seems like a pretty lame choice.
  12. Anyone who couldn't see this coming from a light year away... http://www.accessatlanta.com/atlanta-music/steven-tyler-rejoins-aerosmith-329083.html?cxntlid=thbz_hm
  13. I'd be all over Petty w/ ZZ Top. I like Joe Cocker and CSN. Can CSN still deliver live? How about Cocker?
  14. Looking at those two photos a little more, the super clunky neck/body joint on those two examples are the same. It's gotta be the same model, just with different features.
  15. Yeah, those oversized dots are pretty distinctive. Pizza slice dot inlays. I haven't been able to find Tweedy's model in Google searches for Kay guitars. Did Kay make guitars that were sold under different brand names? That was a fairly common practice among instrument manufacturers back in the '50s-'60s, and might explain the different headstock badge.
  16. Good find. What is that? EDIT: Kay Red Devil: http://www.guitargonauts.info/picks/52/ The body style looks identical, but Tweedy's has lots of different details. Different color, obviously. Different pickguard, different headstock ornamentation, no whammy, different pickups, no black toggle switch on upper bout. I'm guessing they're different version of the same model. Or, maybe Tweedy's is a custom made reproduction.
  17. Cool photos. Uh, Glen has a GONG now? Why is there not a thread on that?
  18. I know in the past he used the tubing to blow into the floor tom which raises the pitch (drums have a little air hole on the shell, which he inserts the tube into). It's a fairly subtle sound effect, especially on a big drum like a floor tom. I think there's a scene of him doing this in the Wilco documentary. I don't know if that's what he currently uses the tubing for, but that's my best guess.
  19. It always amazes me how much crap Owner of A Lonely Heart gets. I'd put it on the top shelf of '80s commercial pop. Granted, it doesn't make much sense for a Howe/Yes lineup to be playing that song.
  20. I always have the best concert luck when I'm on one side or the other. Every time I'm in the middle I wind up surrounded by loud conversationalists. Lat time I saw them I was on Pat's side, and before that was in the middle, so I'm due for a Nels side. College...you never know, it might increase your concert attendace. Lots of colleges have concerts on campus which are super cheap for students. My college hosted Beastie Boys w/ Mike Watt, Primus with Fishbone, and Social Distortion. Each show was $5-$10 w/ college ID.
  21. I'm always confused by stage left/stage right. Is it "stage left" from the audience's perspective, or from the performer's perspective? EDIT: wait, I now notice you said "Orchestra Left" and not stage left...that raises another question. We're pretty far into the Nels Zone, so facing the stage we'll be on the left side of the theater...EDIT: orchestra left, I presume. Bummer. I hope a "long time" turns out to be not very long.
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