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Everything posted by jff

  1. Amazon Prime Day had a deal on a Donner Looping Pedal, so my wife bought it for me. Haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but it should be a fun toy. She'll be out of town this weekend, so that'll give me an opportunity to make some really annoying sounds with it.
  2. jff


    Yes, I'm very happy with my turntable. When I got it, I could tell a massive difference in sound quality compared to any other turntable I've owned. I should have said "I'll probably buy one if I ever decide to upgrade."
  3. The buzz doesn't really have an impact on how much I enjoy the music. Except for when the buzz gets so omnipresent that it's repellent. I listened to it over the weekend. It was good. Not as good as the other new releases I've picked up recently. I expect I'll like it more as I get more familiar with it.
  4. jff


    Yeah, everyone seems to love the Pro-Ject turntables. I use an Audio Technica ATPL120, but I'll probably get a Pro-Ject at some point. The only thing that concerns me is that in order to switch speeds you have to remove the platter and adjust the belt.
  5. I bought this record two weeks ago. Still haven't even opened it. I guess I got sucked in by the conventions and haven't been listening to much music lately.
  6. I'm gonna be furious if this terrible song gets stuck in my head for the next six months.
  7. Maybe he was mad because he got beat up by some Democrat goons. That's what some on the far right fringe are saying, anyway. http://halturnershow.com/index.php/news/world-news/113-was-bernie-sanders-physically-beaten-up-at-democrat-convention
  8. I didn't realize there was a shortage of distortion pedals and an overabundance of overdrive pedals.
  9. They should have scheduled my mayor, Kasim Reed, a terrible speaker who bored everyone to tears last night, right before HIllary instead of right after Biden.
  10. In any case, Trump will suffer no consequences for this, and will probably benefit from it.
  11. Yes, I thought the same thing. I thought it was odd not to have a display, but I can see the value in not having a display inside the hall, to avoid exactly that scenario. They didn't want the crowd to go wild upon hitting the magic number, and all the remaining states to become an afterthought. That's the egalitarian approach, and I can respect that.
  12. You're right, and I agree. They should have been using the screens so people in attendance could see the tally. The fact that they didn't do that speaks to what I was saying earlier about the poor stage production of this event. But to give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe there was a display that was visible to attendees, but not TV viewers.
  13. C-SPAN showed a real time tally during the roll call.
  14. No, and I'm kind of surprised that it's so hard to find out who it is. Based on the walk-on music ending at precisely the moment each speaker arrives at the podium (but not in a "fade out now" type of ending), I'm pretty sure it's not canned music. On night one, there were a bunch of instances of the mic being silent for the first few seconds of some of the speeches, so I'm guessing Banks was dealing with a number of production foul-ups that were beyond her control.
  15. I don't know about that. Every time I go to a record store, it's full of people in their 20s. Young folks are crazy about vinyl these days.
  16. Elizabeth Banks' MC gig appeared to be horribly stage managed, and she did a pretty crappy job rolling with it. Long, silent walks from the wings to the podium in between each speaker. Saying out loud that the teleprompter had the wrong script. Numerous instances of giving the what the fuck is going on glare to the stage crew. Surprisingly unprofessional. Bill Clinton's walk-on music: Two Tickets to Paradise.
  17. Anyone know who the house band is for this event? The RNC had G.E. Smith as the house band leader, but I haven't heard anything about who the DNC is using. They had some pretty hot jams last night.
  18. I used to love reading Butch's blog, but people who commented on it ended up pissing him off so badly that he shut it down.
  19. I don't consider any of their albums to be self titled. To me, a self titled album would have just been called Wilco. Wilco (The Album) implies"If you can only have one Wilco album, this is the one to get!"
  20. I may have been the one to introduce them. I'm currently reading a book about Revolver, and that's how they refer to it. Actually, they refer to it as "Yesterday"...and Today.
  21. He also pandered to the Bernie or Bust/Never Hillary crowd with his "the system is rigged, Bernie never had a chance" nonsense. He's essentially throwing every political idea against the wall to see what sticks. I guess that's easy enough to do when you spend all your time saying what you're going to do, knowing full well that nobody is going to ask him HOW he's going to do it.
  22. Never heard of him, but listening now. Good stuff. Sort of like '70s violin-era soul music, but in an afrobeat setting. At least, that's how I would describe the first song I listened to.
  23. That's like asking us to rewrite their lyrics. It's not our business to do that (except for when we used to turn their lyrics into courtroom humor as a joke when Jay Bennett sued the band). I prefer album titles that have some relevance to the band and what they are up to at the time an album is created and/or released. Or a name that is connected in some way to the songs on the album. Maybe in time Schmilco will prove to meet that criteria, but Star Wars doesn't and neither does Wilco (The Album). A name like that implies you're getting a distillation of what Wilco is all about. A defin
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