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Everything posted by jff

  1. That a Gibson Barney Kessel, and it seems to be Jeff's dream guitar, too, as he states in the link below. http://www.iconicguitar.com/2010/05/jeff-tweedy-gibson-barney-kessel.html
  2. The thing that makes a semi-hollow semi-hollow is a big solid block of wood than runs underneath the strings and pickups from the neck joint to the tail end of the body, and connects the top and back of the guitar. That's where all the weight is coming from. On the plus side, that wood block will keep your guitar from feeding back like a full hollowbody would. Congrats on your new guitar. I don't know much about straps, but I bet a thicker one would help distribute the weight more comfortably. Sounds like you're developing a case of what some refer to as Les Paul Shoulder.
  3. jff

    Grammy Chances

    If the Grammy Nomination Concert I saw on tv last night is any indication, KOL has this in the bag.
  4. I had one of those a few years ago for about a year. Fun guitar. Wish I still had it. The tuning on mine seemed pretty stable, but I never gigged with it or even took it out of the house. Worth noting...Casinos are not semi-hollow. They are full hollowbody guitars, and as such, might not be the right thing for Sarah.
  5. I've actually had the opposite experience. I haven't paid much attention to RS in recent years, but I've read two issues in the last couple of months (the Steve Jobs and George Clooney issues) and was pretty impressed with the length of their feature stories, and their in depth political coverage.
  6. I see used Sheratons pretty often. You could probably find one in the $400 range. I've been considering trading in my strat for one if I get the opportunity.
  7. I have been impressed with Epiphones (the Dot and Sheraton models), and the Ibanez Artcore series. All of these are within your price range. I agree that you should search as far and wide as possible. If you get lucky you might find something really amazing.
  8. Slash isn't a metal guitarist. He's a bluesy hard rocker. Certainly not.
  9. I hope I never see a concert in which I may as well have stayed home and listened to the album.
  10. It feels longer than that.
  11. They seem to make a point of that, based on the shows I've seen. I can't recall them ever playing a venue named after a corporation,
  12. Yeah, Verizon looks like a good venue. in Atlanta, there's nothing in that size range. We have theaters and arenas and nothing in between.
  13. I much prefer that over he image of fat slobs drinking bud light while cheering for moster trucks.
  14. That doesn't seem like an odd venue for them to play. I've seen them at similar venues multiple times. The Fox in Atlanta, Tennessee Theater in Knoxville, etc.
  15. BAHAHA! I'm philosophically opposed to ranking talent, but I'd much rather have Paul or Joni's guitar skills than Bruce's.
  16. I didn't even realize I owned Some Girls, but over the weekend I found out that I do indeed have a copy. It's now in my on-deck crate.
  17. Bringing Wyman back would be cool. Keith sounds like he really wants him back.
  18. I don't think I ever got to see them play a cover song, other than Thank You Friends, which was a ncie tribute, but was predictable. I'd like to see them do a cover song I'm not expecting.
  19. Author revealed his ignorance in the second sentence.
  20. I've never made a list that I've been satisfied with, so I'll just say that listening to the Wild Flag album makes me happier than anything else I've heard this year.
  21. That's too bad. I've been hoping to see them for several years, and now that they're finally coming to Atlanta this week, I'll be out of town.
  22. I love the Blues Project. They're one of ths highlights of the Monterey Pop expanded edition. Wish by albums of theirs weren't in such bad shape. Anyone remember Biscuit Davis? I still listen to their album a couple times a year. Pretty corny cosmic-country, but it has its charm. http://www.bothypress.com/images/ebay/110930119.jpg
  23. In one sense I agree with this, but I feel that the Who, more than any other band that has ever existed (possible exception being the Beatles), is a band in which every member has a very clear identity and easily identifiable sound, all of which is essential to the whole. Pete was the mastermind of their best work, but there's no way the Who could have existed without Roger, Keith and John.
  24. I used to be sort of anti-Immigrant Song until I heard the version on the Zeppelin DVD. That version is absolutely monstrous, and now I love that song. I'm not trying to sway your opinion, just throwing that out there.
  25. Sort of makes me wish I hadn't sold my Modern Drummer magazine collection. That was a pretty thorough resourse of the corniest music trends/phenomena circa 1986-2000.
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