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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Ahh...yeah just wondering because Cure supposedly wasn't so good live in the mid 90's.The first time I saw them was in 2000 and I was blown away by it. Disintegration is a amazing album.Maybe it was an off night. Jealous you saw Cracker on the first tour. I saw them last year and they play Happy Birthday to Me, Mr. Wrong and Teen Angst and I was thinking how awesome it would have been to see them back then. Stripes show in 2007 was great though I did like the tour before that better. PS. I saw Ani Difranco because I was interested in this girl..it happens to the best of us...
  2. Awesome! I went to Argentina and had so much fun. Things are cheap down there, the wine is unbelievable and the sights are great! Have fun! I also went in April which was a perfect time of year to go!
  3. First time I saw Morrissey knocked my socks off! Back in 2004 on the You Are the Quarry tour!
  4. Though I rarley delve into Blues music I have seen Buddy Guy and BB King in concert and enjoyed them both!
  5. You managed to name 3 of my all time favorite live acts Stripes (They haven't toured in 3 years?) , Cure (When did you see them?) and Cracker (2nd album was kerosene hat..that album is awesome!!)... PS Welcome to the board..
  6. I added one in November! Going to Barcelona, Rome and Florence! YAY!
  7. Yeah they will cancel them. I had this happen once. Sigur Ros tickets went on early by accident and I caught it and had first row center! Then they realize the misteak and cancelled!
  8. I will stand up for 80's Genesis. I am a kid of the 80's. I was born in 1980 and grew up with 80's Genesis. The songs from 80's Genesis got lots of play during my childhood. I loved the video for Land of Confusion!. I ended up buying the album on vinyl and played it oftent. Also, We Can't Dance I played oftent. Sure I was only a youth, sure it was very cheesey but I did enjoy it at the time and get sentimental when I hear this stuff. Ironically it lead me to be introduced to earlier Genesis which sounds nothing like anythign else. The funny thing is for most of my childhood Phil Collins Genesi
  9. I saw Grandaddy open once for Elliott Smith and once for Coldplay maybe in 2000? They were a great band. Still listen to Softwareslump once in awhile... Thanks for the heads up!
  10. Prince "I Want To Be Your Man I think? I was at that show and it was aweomse! I am seen all over the encores in the front row!
  11. I don't think it is too crazy. After all Bruce Springsteen sold 10 dates at Giants Stadium in NJ in 2003 a few hours That is over 700,000 tickets. Jackson doesn't tour much and he has a huge following in Europe. The prices of his tickets at face cost don't exceed 75 Pounds which in my mind is shockigly cheap. I figured he would charge 250+ for best seats. I wonder how many dates he will make it through and what percentage of the show will be lipsynched?
  12. I wanted to See Nirvana in 94 but my mother wouldn't let me go because I was too young... When did you see them first?
  13. Belle and Sebastian has a couple of quite numbers that are good for a quite night.
  14. Hmmm what 5 bands have you seen the most live? For me... They Might Be Giants- 23 times (I am from NYC area and they play here all the time....) Bruce Springsteen-21 Times (Solo, E Street...I am from NJ....duh) Guster- 20 times (I saw my first Guster show (Their third live show ever as Guster) at my day camp when I was 14 in 1995...got hooked) Ben Folds (Ben Folds Five)- 18 times Beck- 12 times Suprisingly I have only seen REM 10 times (They didn't tour much in the 90's) and Wilco only 10 times too.... Phish I have seen 9 times but my interest in them has wained...
  15. Hey y'all, I go to lots of concerts and probably like too much music for my own good. I maybe attend 60 shows or so a year. Occasionally I can not find someone to join me. I would say maybe 10 shows a year I hit up solo. Weather it is because I fear my wife wouldn't like the show or sometimes it is just more convenient that way. I occasionally like going to shows solo because I don't have to worry about people enjoying the show. I remember a few times when I brought friends, wife, brother to a show and they didn't like it and it ruined the show for me.... Anyway wanted to see if there are
  16. Wow I didn't even realize this was still around anyways...I remember buy 1 get six free...shipping was loony but it was a good deal. First batch of disks I got from BMG included Jayhawks "Hollywood Town Hall" and Bjork's "Debut" back in 92. Both disks I still cherish!
  17. Rawk! I am seeing them tonight! One of the bets live bands around! Can't wait! PS..TSOOL toured the East Coast in 2007 (after Plant tour). I saw them at the Merc Lounge in NYC where they did 2 sets (Acoustic and Electric) played over 30 songs and it clocked in at over 3 hours! One of the best concerts I ever saw!
  18. Wow..I can understand being tired but for the sake of completion I would have done what ever necessary to see the finally show even if it meant I would doze of for a few minutes.... I once saw 8 concerts in 6 days and it was tiring but I had a seat for most of thise night and pulled through it! This was with waking up for work at 7am every day....I also was 21 then...
  19. Good luck! Again as stressed earlier make sure you get a good home inspector. Ours missed a major water issue in our basement and it is going to cost us now. We ended up getting a settlement from the previous sellers but it won't cover everything.
  20. I have seen both Billy and Elton a handful of times. When they tour together it is tailored to the greatest hits. Both of them should start thowing the audience a few bones. Play some obscure cuts and less hits already! I want to hear more off Streetlife, Cold Spring, Piano Man etc... Elton is slightly better than Billy in terms of mixing up his setlist though he should rework his too! Still don't get me wrong both artist are legendary and beyond talented I am just hoping for something more spontaneous if I see them again.
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