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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Nice..I am only 3 blocks from Fanwood. If I can escape anywhere under $10,000 I will be thrilled... What part of Jersey are you from?
  2. If you know of some deals (or good contractors etc) hook me up. I need to redo a bathroom (new counters, shower, tiles, lighting, mirror, the works)...
  3. I have found out that home warranties have tons of loopholes...in theory they are good but it is also hard to act upon. Also don't forget if you are a first time home buyer and buy by Nov 1 (I think) you get an $8,000 tax credit!
  4. Here was the setlist from the show I went to. May 31, 1997 - East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA - Giants Stadium By Jonathan on May 31, 1997 8:18 AM | No Comments | No TrackBacks ShareThis Opening Act(s): Fun Lovin
  5. Some good pointers here... http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...p;hl=home+house Good Luck
  6. I loved every second of the Pop album and tour. That show was magical to me! Was also my first time seeing the band.
  7. Yeah I know its the download...frankly I buy a new album and put it on the ipod then never touch the physical cd after that. Might as well just get it this way....
  8. Thanks for the heads up! Sweet....
  9. What did they play on Letterman last night I missed it....
  10. U2's Under a Blood Red Sky should be on there!
  11. Hmm how could I forget... I finally met Froggie..... and tried Tim-Tams! It truly was a great year!
  12. Wow! looks awesome. I loved Australia make sure you hit up Tasmania...I thought that was incredible. Japan and Israel were also worth it. If you go to Argentina and are near Buenos Aires go to El Tigre ...take lots of pictures! Enjoy yourself!
  13. WOW! CONGRATS TOO! That's alot to look forward to! Seeing a show at Red Rocks is def on my to do list. Also wow seriously an year long around the world honeymoon! I am very jealous!? Where do you plan on going? Let me know if you need pointers! I have been to 6 continents and about 40 or so countries!
  14. It was crowded but I am used to it being from the NYC area....
  15. So the Chattanooga one is better? I might have to convince them to stop by then I really enjoyed the big wall aquarium room in Atlanta...it was kind of freaky! You also don't recommend Rock City any particular reason? Looks neat though....I love chessey tourist traps..
  16. Thanks for the offer...I am going to play it by ear. I am visiting the in-laws in GA and will be heading up to Chattanooga next Sunday with the wife and mother in law. Not sure if there was anything they wanted to do up there but figured I would ask around...Not even sure if they will be down for the aquarium because we went to the Atlanta one last time........have you visited the Atlanta aqaurium? Quite impressive! Sweet..I like seeing American History....will keep this site in mind!
  17. I will be in Chattanooga next weekend and was wondering whats to do there? I know the aquarium is supposed to be great. Any other things I should check out?
  18. With all these dreay stories about job losses, mortgage issues, war etc does anyone have any happy stories to share for 2009 of things that have happened or things you are looking forward to? For me 2008 was a great year..got married, bought a house and finally made it to Australia! 2009 not so good...water issues in the basement (very expensive to fix...) also company is peeling back benefits and laying off people (like everywhere else). For 2009 though I am looking forward to going to Belize in April! Might be a trip to the Atlantic Providences in the Summer also am currently planning
  19. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090227/od_uk_..._ryanair_toilet BAAAAAAD IDEA! How many people will not have a pound and go have an incident outside of the bathroom....yuck
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