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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. It's too dark to put the keys in my ignition, And the mornin' sun is yet to climb my hood ornament. But before too long I might see those flashing red lights Look out, mama, 'cause I'm comin' home tonight.
  2. Did it involve any dead hookers or heads in duffel bags?
  3. French (Freedom) Silk You can go ahead and lock this thread now.
  4. I was gonna say the same thing a few minutes ago but I knew y'all wouldn't let me down.
  5. I think some of his best stuff has not been officially released.
  6. .. - / .. ... / .- / ... - -.-- .-.. .. ... - .. -.-. / -.-. .... --- .. -.-. . .-.-.- Translator
  7. It's OK, I don't like them either.
  8. I like the song and drove right by the lady a couple of weeks ago while in St. Louis.
  9. Way to go Sean, you're like old or something!
  10. You have to admit that when this dropped in 78', that was really something.
  11. you went back and read all of my posts... that makes me feel proud... edit cliquish
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