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Everything posted by Beltmann

  1. "Star Wars" was the featured review in this week's print version of EW, which was surprising. Besides the "A-," they also stamped the album as the "Rock Record of the Summer."
  2. There's a pivotal plot moment in the movie Paper Towns that involves Woody Guthrie and then "Walt Whitman's Niece" from Mermaid Avenue. The vinyl album cover is prominently displayed in the shot.
  3. That's likely true, but I got on board with YHF and would place BT in my top three.
  4. Same here. That's the version that seared itself into my memory as a child. (If I remember right, it was aired over two nights, with a cliffhanger-style break when Lois Lane fell from the helicopter. I also remember having nightmares about Miss Teschmacher being thrown to the lions.) I never saw that version again. In fact, years later I watched a DVD and wondered whether certain vivid scenes had disappeared or perhaps had only existed in the dreams of my 8-year-old self. Both the 1978 theatrical release and the 2000 expanded edition are included in the excellent "Superman Anthology" bl
  5. Indeed. After all these years, it still feels good. I'm happy to be able to love a band this much.
  6. Same here. Jesse has been generous to so many of us in so many ways!
  7. The Atlantic's Spencer Kornhaber: "Star Wars, the band’s ninth album, released by surprise and for free on the Internet, reminds that Wilco aren’t just reliable, safe rockers; they’re some of the most generous experimentalists to ever pick up guitars."
  8. Is it safe to assume that "Where Do I Begin" is about Sue's health? That track is an early standout for me partially for the melody but mostly because of the palpable, raw emotion; it reminds me a little of "On and On and On," in that it feels like I'm listening to an exposed nerve.
  9. Overall I was lukewarm towards A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, but I'm thrilled/fascinated that it exists and the ethereal scene scored by White Lies' "Death" would make my list of favorite fragments of the year.
  10. We started a running list of strong movies last summer, too. Here are my five favorites of 2015 so far, based on availability in southeast Wisconsin (which means I haven’t yet had a chance to see many likely contenders): 1. Leviathan / Andrey Zvyagintsev / Russia 2. The Homesman / Tommy Lee Jones / USA 3. When Marnie Was There / Hiromasa Yonebayashi / Japan 4. Mommy / Xavier Dolan / Canada 5. Love & Mercy / Bill Pohlad / USA Best Short Film: World of Tomorrow / Don Hertzfeldt / USA Best Summer Movie: Mad Max: Fury Road / George Miller / Australia Most Unfairly Dismissed: Far from the M
  11. Dropbox link works great. Downloaded in about 15 minutes, and after putting it on a flash drive, it looks beautiful played through my Blu-ray player on my big TV. I'm on "Art of Almost" and no glitches so far.
  12. I remember watching that episode when it first aired and thinking, Gee, that's what I wish new Wilco sounded like.
  13. For those having trouble, it's now available for free at Amazon, too.
  14. Eventually first impressions give way to more measured opinions, but there's value in discussing first impressions, too. Kot has a special interest in Wilco--he literally wrote the book--so it's a first impression that carries some interest. I'm definitely looking forward to real analysis pieces, though.
  15. Added to original post!
  16. "I kind of like it when I make you cry."
  17. First review? Greg Kot gives "Star Wars" 3.5 stars.
  18. I made sure to do a first listen via headphones. Mind-scrambling, in the best sense.
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