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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Jules might be referring to the fact that the investment banks donated a lot more (to both parties) this last cycle than the auto companies, IIRC.
  2. I once attended a Rangers-White Sox game where I mocked Gerald Laird's mug. Then he had a career game (http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4188/is_/ai_n16454442) and the White Sox got trounced. I felt somewhat responsible.
  3. I like the DS. Nintendo markets their games to kids, but also to adults. They market to casual gamers rather than the stereotypical hardcore gamer (young adult male who spends hours playing each week). The DS has lots of puzzle and training games geared towards adults like Brain Age, Flash Focus (vision training), Professor Layton and the Curious Village (this one is geared as much towards kids, but I liked it). They also have platformers like Mario64 DS and Sonic. Also, MarioKart. Here is a list of top DS games as compiled by some game mag: http://www.gamepro.com/article/features/20..
  4. When they start pulling their weight and do some work for once.
  5. Reds and Sox are both denying that the deal is done.
  6. Yaya. I got that part. I hope there is another Reds prospect involved, if true. I also hope that the White Sox are cutting salary to make a big move--not just to cut salary. I'm not sure how you could possibly sell a rebuilding year to fans while raising ticket prices 11%.
  7. Ok....the bottom works. The top one's still broken. So with revisions, one of your links works so far. I hope you get all three up because I am actually interested in this subject. Here is another ranking, debt to GDP ratio: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/th...r/2186rank.html I imagine that it is a bet outdated now.
  8. Not a single one of your links work because you're posting the abbreviated versions from some other message board.
  9. Wouldn't an angular approach leave the same lines, but at a different angle?
  10. That is definitely what they mean, but the sentence is not at all clear taken at face value.
  11. Javy has more than a 3:1 K:BB for his career, is always healthy, has 4 pitches, etc. Why he's never had more success is a mystery. I'm inclined to think he has some mental block regarding the 6th inning. I can't find them, but I believe he has some ridiculous splits. It looks like the lower level prospects might be decent. Who knows.
  12. You can check a box to get emails from Dr. Pepper. Apparently the main thing they are gleaning from it is demographic info--they are asking for age, gender, and zip code.
  13. I tried several times both days without luck. How many times are you going to try for a free soda?
  14. Anyone notice that the percentage he won by has crept up to almost 7%?
  15. The only halfway surprise so far is HRC, and many people thought she'd have some cabinet post offered. His economic appointees, so far as I can tell, are very similar to his advisors from the campaign.
  16. A review I read on another board: I am pissed off today. Billy Corgan is one of the few people in this world that can use music to make me angry. I had the misfortune of going to see the
  17. All the money printed off by The Federal Reserve is really just a strategy to lower the value of our currency so that Europe will buy shits produced by our non-existent manufacturing sector.
  18. Assignment for someone in this thread: Draw up Bono's review of A Ghost is Born.
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