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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. More than the rest of the world combined! There was a good story about that on NPR this morning. Most of the money goes to big ticket items like fighter planes that have virtually nothing to do with the "war on terror." http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...toryId=18764753
  2. Sure, the two parties do a lot to keep a choke hold on power, but the winner-take-all style of American representation means that two parties + occasional spoiler parties is kind of the equillibrium.
  3. I'm liking Bill Richardson's beard. It bodes well for the country.
  4. If you check your voter registration on that site, you can even see a sample ballot.
  5. I sometimes try to find the state bar ratings for the judges. Other than that, the Daily Herald and the candidates' websites? Here is the candidate listing: http://cms.dupageelections.com/uploads/JID...e%20listing.pdf The Republicans begin on page 8. I forgot that we get to vote for specific delegates--that's weird. I am going to vote for the dude who's going to lose the Dem nomination for the 6th District.
  6. Be sure to vote tomorrow, y'all. Even if the winner of your state is clear beforehand, most states don't have winner-take-all represenation at the convention.
  7. I like Clinton's healthcare plan better, but Obama's might be more politically feasible. I liked Kucinich's (single payer) plan the best. Nuanced domestic policy differences don't necessarily mean that much for Presidential candidates, though, as any legislation requires a lot of compromise.
  8. Well, considering the polls show that they are tied in CA now, for the most part, it would be a bummer if he lost because of early voting.
  9. He is surging all over, but as MrRain pointed out, it might not matter in California since there has been so much early voting. Oy. Double-edged sword, that.
  10. It can't be TOO much of an exception, since people are posting links to other sites. Rbally is pretty popular.
  11. I like downloading MP3s and I'm not polluting anything. We have no rule against posting MP3s here. Just don't burn 'em and trade 'em. I'm sure there are plenty of people like me who NEVER burn shows to CDs, but will listen to them on their computer or MP3 player. If you want FLAC, download or share FLAC. If you want MP3, download and share MP3 (but don't burn them to share). Come off it.
  12. More early voting for Democrats than Republicans for the first time ever in my heavily-Republican county.
  13. RIP Hillary's national lead: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/20...nation-191.html It's all up for grabs at this point.
  14. That's the only downside. This Patriots team was much better than that Dolphins team by most accounts. The Giants win wasn't a fluke, though. You'd have to conclude that they're rather evenly matched based on the two games they played against each other.
  15. NY Post (or Daily News?) already did, I believe.
  16. Congratulations Giants fans! Everyone loves an underdog.
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