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Everything posted by bböp

  1. Say You Miss Me was dedicated to Olga and Elena -- hopefully I'm spelling their names right -- who were the band's Spanish liaisons.
  2. Not that it necessarily had anything to do with the show itself, but I would be willing to bet that anyone who was at this show and doesn't already live in San Sebastian probably wants to move there... You Are My Face Wilco (the song) IATTBYH One Wing Muzzle of Bees A Shot in the Arm Side With The Seeds Handshake Drugs Bull Black Nova Jesus, etc. Impossible Germany I'll Fight California Stars The Late Greats Hummingbird ------------- Via Chicago> Spiders (Kidsmoke) ------------- Hate It Here Walken I'm The Man Who Loves You I'm A Wheel
  3. Setlist now, more details if needed later: Wilco (the song) IATTBYH Pot Kettle Black A Shot in the Arm Side With The Seeds Handshake Drugs Bull Black Nova You Are My Face War On War Jesus, etc. Impossible Germany The Late Greats You Never Know Hate It Here Waken I'm The Man Who Loves You Hummingbird ----------------- Misunderstood Poor Places> Spiders (Kidsmoke) ----------------- Kingpin Monday Hoodoo Voodoo
  4. This was a fun show. I can add some more later, but the band was really loose in a good way. Jeff had some good banter -- for example, a guy in the crowd yelled out "Kansas City!" as an apparent homage to the Kicking Television record and Jeff just sort of shook his head and yelled back, "Ice tongs!" He went on to say, "Let's yell out random things at each other." The highlight for me was when two kids, a boy and a girl, came down to the foot of the stage right in front of Jeff at the start of the encore. At one point during "Spiders," Jeff came over and leaned down to the girl, threw her his
  5. The first Wilco show in Portugal, and it was a pretty solid performance. A very respectful crowd that pretty much stayed seated throughout, which I'm sure was OK with the band since for awhile it was sort of unclear exactly how many people would show up. But it eventually filled in pretty well. It certainly was a beautiful theater, pretty newly restored by the looks of it. I think I saw that Andrew Bird was scheduled to play there not long after Wilco. Anyway, in one way or another, Jeff mentioned about three separate times that there were plenty of good seats still available for the following
  6. A bit odd to see Wilco not playing last on their stage at this festival -- they played before the Jayhawks, who closed out the evening with a great set of Hollywood Town Hall and Tomorrow The Green Grass-era songs -- but I think they had to hit the road pretty quickly after their set. Maybe that was also part of the reason there wasn't any collaboration between the two bands (though the Jayhawks did give Wilco a shout out, with Mark Olson saying it was great to see them again and that the Jayhawks had known them for a long time). Anyway, it was interesting that more than a quarter of Wilco's s
  7. I wish. There is plenty of helado to be had, though, and we had some outstanding helado de higos today.
  8. The cavernous Palacio de Congresos was far from full tonight, probably owing to the big Champions League soccer, er, football, final between Barcelona and Manchester United that was going on about the same time as the show, but fortunately many of the people who did attend were enthusiastic. We got a few pleasant surprises, and the band almost certainly deviated from the printed setlist (which I believe contained "I'll Fight" and "Hummingbird," neither of which was played). The encores were fun, with a bunch of excited people jumping around in front of the stage and more folks filling the aisl
  9. Not to reply to my own post, but I also have to say that while I'm not typically a fan of corporate naming of arenas and clubs and the like, I must say that it was nevertheless pretty awesome that the Teatro Haagen-Dazs Calderon featured a full-service Haagen-Dazs outlet in the lobby. That's never a bad thing, IMHO. Oh, and "You Never Know" sounded pretty awesome.
  10. Fun show tonight in Madrid. About 2 hours and 15 minutes in all, a little longer than they've been playing. Definitely more evidence that not only does the crowd feed off the band, but the band feeds off the crowd as well. I think there were at least a few VCers there, so I'll leave the bulk of the reviewing up to them. But, for now, here was the setlist: Sunken Treasure Wilco (the song) Hummingbird Hell Is Chrome Handshake Drugs IATTBYH Muzzle of Bees A Shot in the Arm At Least That's What You Said Bull Black Nova Jesus, etc. You Are My Face Impossible Germany Via Chicago Poor Places>
  11. Someone had yelled out "monster" after that song, I guess as in "that's a monster of a song." That's when Jeff said they were still working on it and, I believe, the bit about the fluffy bunny. Just to put that one in a little context.
  12. It was obviously, as Jeff commented after the first song of tonight's show, "a sad day in the Wilco camp." He went on to say that the band wanted to send its prayers out to Jay's friends and family and "take some time to remember our fallen comrade and fellow traveler." That was the only mention of Jay's tragic passing during the show, except when the band came out for its second encore and Jeff said, "This one's for Jay," before launching into a spirited version of "Monday." I wouldn't say the band was subdued, exactly, but it certainly wasn't one of their looser, more goofy performances, a
  13. A few noteworthy tidbits: *Looks like we've seen the last of the Sky Blue Sky artwork on Glenn's drum kit. His bass drum has been newly outfitted with a rather fetching picture of the camel
  14. Pretty good, actually. (They did three.) Anyway, you guys are kind of an impatient bunch, aren't you? The show just ended like an hour ago. Well, I guess ask and ye shall receive... Wilco (the song) Hummingbird Hell Is Chrome Handshake Drugs IATTBYH Pot Kettle Black Ashes of American Flags Bull Black Nova [live debut] You Are My Face Jesus, etc. Impossible Germany I'll Fight Poor Places> Reservations> Spiders (Kidsmoke) ------------------------- The Late Greats Hate It Here Walken I'm The Man Who Loves You ------------------------- Misunderstood I'm A Wheel
  15. bböp


    really? that's pretty badass. they came down from canada to do that, or were they already in town for something else? or were you in canada? incidentally, i found a picture disc (LP) of "metal on metal" the other day and just had to buy it.
  16. interested parties might have some trouble doing that since PMs aren't currently active. you might want to leave alternate contact info.
  17. bböp


    Saw it the other day. It really is a pretty touching film, almost surprisingly so. And you don't need to be a metal fan at all to enjoy and appreciate it.
  18. bböp


    They were called Morricone Youth, and were/are friends of Mike's if I recall correctly. Not sure if they're still around, but I really liked their set that night. I think the horn section they had with them was made up of three Brown University kids who played with them at the show in Providence a few nights before and did so well that they were invited to play at a couple more shows on that little run.
  19. Good comma policing, Lou. Nels will be playing with Carla Bozulich as Scarnella at this show. So it should really be Scarnella and Pronto on the billing. Also, I believe there's already another thread about these SoCal dates with Nels and Mike somewhere. Perhaps a merge is in order.
  20. I think it was a joke. Feist is definitely on the new record, on a sort of duet with Jeff on the song "You and I." And she's been a frequent collaborator with a number of different artists over the course of her career -- Broken Social Scene, Peaches, Kings of Convenience, among others. And to answer the original question, I think you are correct about this being the first album with the same exact lineup as the last one.
  21. Yep, I'll be there (or at least I'm planning to be).
  22. If I'm not mistaken, that was from a rare Nels Cline-Alex Cline duo show in San Diego in January. They rocked out that night!
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