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Everything posted by bböp

  1. Just bumping this thread one more time. LA peeps, go check out this show!
  2. bböp

    Wilco Vinyl

    Fwiw, I pre-ordered one of the reissues from Insound and got this message from them today: Hey there, The release date for both Wilco Reissues has been postponed unfortunately. As it stands there is no confirmed date for these releases. When I hear any further information I will update you immediately. I'm sorry for the delay and thank you for your patience. You have not been charged for your preorder, you will only be charged when it is shipped. Let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.
  3. Is it too early to ask, 'Hey Kalle, can I get on the list?'
  4. Maybe he just didn't want to be in the band anymore. People step away from bands all the time, without any acrimony being involved. I'm sure he had/has his (personal) reasons.
  5. it's easy to get up front, i would imagine, because the stage is impossibly high. so it's probably not really worth being *right* up front, imho. of course that's never stopped anyone before, i suppose.
  6. bböp

    Watt & Nels

    I was also at the Summerstage show. Definitely didn't seem too popular with the crowd as a whole, but I didn't really expect it to be. At least they couldn't complain about the price. Not sure I entirely agree that the Floored By Four set was subdued, though. To me, anyway, the first couple of pieces were almost metal-y, especially the one Watt sang on. And the last tune was almost downright poppy, with almost a little bit of a surf rock element in there. Of course, the long, kind of droney middle section was probably what most people reacted to as "boring." They played for just about an hour,
  7. Host was David Dye, I assume. How does he (or his producer) not know how to pronounce Kotche by this point? I think he also put an extra 'e' on Sansone.
  8. Have to say that I was a little surprised to hear they played it at this fest, considering I didn't hear them soundcheck it once during the last run of shows. Not that I've heard every soundcheck, but most of the recent shows were outdoors so you could hear what they were soundchecking. It seemed a little weird to me that they would have debuted this song live at a fest without having run through it at least a couple of times first... So I guess what I'm saying is I'm not surprised that this was a mistake by whoever posted the setlist (although Chris Riemenschneider -- isn't he the main Minn
  9. As someone who was at both the Wilco/Flaming Lips/Sleater-Kinney gig in '04 and last year's MMJ extravaganza, I would wholly support another Wilco New Year's Eve show at the Garden. Can't say I think it's likely to happen, but you never know...
  10. Are those the two places in Italy? Just wondering because the second image seems to link back to a French site.
  11. dude, are you really gonna complain about the coney island show? of all the shows on this tour. maybe if you were in lowell and got cut short due to rain or were somewhere like wolf trap that had a really tight curfew, you might have a beef. but coney island got some pretty awesome special guests (that no one else on this tour did) and a really fun, energetic show. sometimes it's not what they play but how they play it. royal oak was fantastic, too, but for different reasons.
  12. Here was the complete setlist, in the right order, for Royal Oak: —"The Price Is Right" theme music intro— Wilco (the song) Bull Black Nova You Are My Face IATTBYH A Shot in the Arm One Wing Handshake Drugs A Magazine Called Sunset Deeper Down Jesus, etc. In A Future Age Impossible Germany I'll Fight Summerteeth (started and restarted) Sonny Feeling Hate It Here Can't Stand It Walken I'm The Man Who Loves You Hummingbird --------------------- Poor Places> Reservations> Spiders (Kidsmoke) --------------------- You Never Know Heavy Metal Drummer California Stars (w/female fan choir) Red-
  13. Yeah, whoops! In my haste to get the setlist posted, I inadvertently omitted HMD. You didn't miss much after that... Anyway, I fixed my earlier post. Thanks!
  14. Forgot to mention that Jeff took a cue from Yo La Tengo -- at the Coney Island show earlier this week, Ira took out a bag of baseballs and threw some out to the crowd, saying that people might have come to a baseball park expecting to catch some foul balls -- and threw out a couple of signed baseballs to the crowd. One was signed by the entire band, and one was signed by the entire crew. Jeff remarked that the latter was much rarer and more valuable. (I totally agree. I want a crew ball! )
  15. A pretty darned long show (22-song main set) for a Saturday night up in the Hudson Valley. The band went on a hair after 8:30 and finished exactly at 11. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, despite the numerous bugs flying about. Jeff asked if anyone had any Deet at one point and someone handed a can of insect repellent up to the stage. Didn't seem to work too well, unfortunately. There was also a barrage of glow sticks thrown up on stage at the start of the second encore, with Jeff encouraging the crowd to bring it on. And for the second straight show, someone on stage had the honor o
  16. I'm otherwise occupied on that date, but I can't stress enough that if you're anywhere even remotely close by, get thee to Largo for this show!
  17. Rampant badassery!
  18. Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, but in case you aren't, CBGB closed a little while ago so it might be tough to get to a show there. You could go visit the John Varvatos store currently in its location, though.
  19. I would say that it's not as if Yo La Tengo's presence drastically reshaped the song, but it was the perfect number to have them come out on. And their presence -- Ira on electric guitar, Georgia on maracas/shakers and James on, I believe, Mike's Hammond organ -- definitely seemed to ramp up Wilco's intensity. The song had a little more bite to it than usual, at least to these ears. For the first time in a while, Jeff didn't come into the crowd and have someone strum before the first breakdown. Jeff introduced YLT as one of the best bands ever -- I think that's what he said -- and said we ha
  20. bböp

    7/11 Lowell

    Haha, very funny. Totally taken out of context! Anyway, this is really, really dumb but I realized way after the fact that I left my ticket stub -- on the, er, somewhat commemorative ticket stock -- inside my free program, which I abandoned when all hell broke loose at the end. It's not a big deal at all, but if someone happens to have an extra stub or unused ticket or something that they don't want, I'd love to take it off your hands. Let me know. Thanks! (And of course I'd be happy to pay for the postage or whatever.)
  21. bböp

    7/11 Lowell

    Nice photos. I recognize some of the people in your crowd shots...
  22. bböp

    7/11 Lowell

    He was bringing his guitar over to be strummed by someone (or someones) in the crowd just before the first breakdown in Spiders.
  23. bböp

    7/11 Lowell

    Been to a lot of shows. Never seen one cut short by a downpour. Complete setlist: --"The Price Is Right" theme music intro-- Wilco (the song) IATTBYH A Shot in the Arm At Least That's What You Said Bull Black Nova You Are My Face One Wing Handshake Drugs Side With The Seeds Deeper Down Jesus, etc. Sonny Feeling Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again) Via Chicago Impossible Germany Spiders (Kidsmoke) Hummingbird ----------------- I'm The Man Who Loves You (show called due to rain)
  24. Not tremendously familiar with his material, but he played about 40 minutes last night. On around 7:55 and off about 8:35. I know he played Cape Canaveral and closed with Hospital Song. Like I said, not all that familiar with his stuff and haven't heard the new MVB record yet (though I assume a bulk of the set was from that album).
  25. This definitely was a slightly shorter set than usual because of the strict curfew, but you omitted a couple songs from the setlist you posted. Didn't see a printed setlist, so I couldn't say what, if anything, was audibled/left out. And yes, they've played Sonny Feeling a few times now (its live debut goes all the way back to last July in Fairbanks, Alaska, fwiw). I'd say there was a decent chance that The Late Greats was also on the printed setlist, though it didn't get played. Anyway, here was the complete setlist for Wolf Trap, as played: Wilco (the song) A Shot in the Arm At Least T
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