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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Bump. Anyone heard anything about how JL Spears's pregnancy is affecting the function/output of her colon? On a related note, I failed in my remote duty last night, and accidentally caught the first minute of Extra!, during the introductory portion of which I heard the announcer (some 45 year old white dude) say, "Who is Jamie Lynn Spears's real babydaddy?"
  2. Perhaps it's not the kind of music they like to listen to?
  3. Pakistan has a lot of problems right now. I am sure this will have a negative impact on the stability of the region.
  4. Awesome. Happy birthday, Lammy. Hope this year treats you well.
  5. Happy birthday. I hope no giant piles of melted marshmallow goo fall from great height onto you in the coming year. Sorry I missed our lapdance appointment. The wife says I can make it up to you next year.
  6. Yeah, but the magazine was inspired by the Uncle Tupelo cover/album.
  7. I can't get "Once in Royal David's City" out of my head this morning. I like that one, but enough already.
  8. Yeah, the whole "commonwealth" thing gets a little tricky. Virginia Tech's full name is "Virginia Polytechnical Institute and State University," so they're not that consistent on that whole thing. We always just referred to them as state schools. UVA has a (well-earned) reputation for snobbery, regardless.
  9. So you're saying their plan to get under OU students'/fans' skin has worked, insofar as it bugs the shit out of you? I went to UVA, and when I was there, it was pretty much SOP to cut the "of Virginia" part off your rear window decal and just display the "THE UNIVERSITY" part. I'm sure that pissed off my friends who went to other VA state schools, but that's the point, right?
  10. That is an AWESOME story, fliz. I played Santa once for the granddaughter (& friends) of some lady I used to work with, and it occurs to me that she is going to ask me again, now that I am moving back. Except maybe she's retired now. Either way, I'm gonna tell her I have hepatitis.
  11. Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon were talking about that during halftime last night. Good stuff.
  12. People are complaining about more than just scalpers.
  13. That assumes that StubHub and eBay are the only places where scalpers resell tickets.
  14. There are a lot of people whom I recognize as excellent guitarists, and also whom I'm not interested in hearing coming from my CD player. I like Nels okay, and no doubt he's really good at hitting the notes he wants, and getting the tones he wants from his guitar, but it's okay if he's not my favorite guitarist EVAR, even though he's very accomplished. It's okay for people to be disappointed that the band they like has done something they don't like as much as what they have done.
  15. Frankly, I don't remember. There was the one lady who was boning the preacher, and she had a kid (Pearl, right), and she had to wear the 'A' on her clothes, and then everything else is a big red blur.
  16. And what if the person who purchased the tickets breaks his leg the day of the show?
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