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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. caliber66


    It's a PRESALE. The public sale is Saturday. Buy tickets then.
  2. caliber66


    It happens all the time. Really.
  3. I will check that out when I get home, and will write myself a note and pin it to my collar, so I don't forget again tomorrow! Thanks.
  4. So I updated my iPod last night, and aside from Bon Iver, I cannot for the life of me remember what the hell else was added during last night's sync. Despite the fact that I sat there and watched each file get added from iTunes. Any idea if there's a way to search by the date things were added? I'm sure there isn't, but I am frustrated.
  5. Sorry for going back a couple days, but I don't understand this line of reasoning. If three quarters of a running back's touchdowns come on short runs from inside the ten or five, do they not count/are his total numbers any less impressive? Are you saying they artificially inflated his numbers because he was a Heisman candidate? Did he score the touchdowns or didn't he? Seems to me the Heisman is an award for the best college football player (i.e., the guy who plays the college game the best), not the guy who's projected to be the biggest NFL stud. Caveat: I have watched one college football
  6. Sorry, we were looking for "What is a 'myocardial infarction'?" darkstar, it's your board - select a new category. Get better, Alex.
  7. There are still a bunch of people who were around Via Chicago before YHF came out. I'm not one of them, though.
  8. Yeah, people bitch about Wilco not having played Chicago in, like, months all the time.
  9. I was merely pointing out that the number of the subject and verb did not match.
  10. Frankly, if your house is made of brick, you probably ought to leave the pizza in there. What with all the brick oven pizzerias operating out there. Might be worth the risk...
  11. I actually read the thread just fine without doing that.
  12. If you're moving near Charlottesville, you'll see plenty of snow.
  13. So closer to 45 degrees difference, then. Dog degrees or people degrees?
  14. Will, in my defense, it's probably 50 degrees colder here than where you are.
  15. What, humping everything? Yeah, it does seem like it would get old after a while, unless you're Jason Mewes or a dog named Doug.
  16. Only takes one itchy trigger One more widow, one less white nigger
  17. Patrick Fugit looks exactly like young Jeff Tweedy.
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