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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. It's like you're not even trying.
  2. It is so. And the dude (or lady) who dresses Ian Astbury is the poor man's dude (or lady) who dresses Steven Tyler.
  3. If it's on tape, how do you know someone urinated on the instrument?
  4. Has there been any serious talk about confiscation from anyone who has any ability to actually make it happen? If a law is advanced advocating for confiscation of guns, do you honestly believe that it would have any hope of even getting out of Committee?
  5. Can't create a registry. First step towards confiscation. Because, you know, Hitler.
  6. Right, so a person who doesn't sell firearms as a business is not required to conduct a background check and is allowed to sell his gun to whomever he wants. I have a problem with that.
  7. Gun shows are not the only place where background checks are not required.
  8. Lammy, ours is also a Zojirushi.
  9. My life is a rather grim one. One day I shall perhaps describe it to you in great detail.
  10. Get bent. Lammy, we have a bread maker that also makes pizza dough. When there is a confluence of the dual circumstances of me being home and me remembering to check, I'll let you know what brand/model we have. I would put the over/under at June 8th.
  11. I use a pizza stone it works pretty good you fucking dick.
  12. Military veterans who stay in service until (military) retirement are very well compensated for the rest of their lives, and can begin collecting retirement benefits as early as the age of 37.
  13. I refuse to believe Stephen Stills was 24 in that video.
  14. So they all think DOMA is an abomination, right?
  15. Ten(ish) years ago, I was at trivia night at a bar owned by a friend. It was a pretty involved contest, in which the highest scorer on each of three first-round trivia tests got to compete on-stage in a Jeopardy-type setup, complete with buzzers and a question board in the shape of a grid. By chance, I happened to win an opening round contest one night and found myself in the lead going into the final round of the main event, in which the question had to do with the guy who popularized gonzo journalism in the 70s. For whatever reason (beer), I couldn't come up with HST, so I went with P.J. O'R
  16. It isn't that green anywhere in the state of Texas.
  17. When choosing a Portuguese restaurant, it's important to make sure to pick one where the chef wears a fencing helmet, otherwise a hair from her mustache might end up in your feijoada.
  18. A video of twenty girls who have never fired a gun before firing shotguns improperly, followed by a well-trained woman firing a rifle competently. Welp, I'm convinced.
  19. Joe Jackson is the moderately less poor man's Elvis Costello.
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