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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. d'oh! The point is, if Rolling Stone Magazine declares that something is the best, they clearly don't underappreciate it. IMO, there's no band (or whatever) that is so important that it can't possibly be overrated, nor do I feel there is a band that is so important that it can't be "appreciated" enough.
  2. You're completely missing the point. The list is underappreciated bands, and it's real hard to make the case that a band that's voted "Most Important American Band" (by the same organization that sponsored this list) is truly underappreciated. I love the Band. Now I have no knowledge of the accolade RS is supposed to have hung on the Band, but if that's the case, it does seem a little stupid in the next breath to declare them underappreciated.
  3. Why are we worrying about this if the bees are going to rise up and kill us all in four years?
  4. He gave the hooker a blowjob on the operating table?
  5. I'm sure Ction Hannity has never heard of Andrew Bird, but if he had, I bet he'd have some things to say about him.
  6. Are you suggesting ction's absence the last couple days is due to him going into hiding in advance of the release of the list of clients, which allegedly will out him as a john?
  7. caliber66


    You're adding an 'f.'
  8. Not necessary, and not a problem. You guys do a good job of keeping everyone honest, and this seems like a pretty unusual situation. An honest mistake. And if nothing else, this caper inspired me to listen to some Andrew Bird for the last half hour at work today. Still good music, but I still couldn't quote you any lyrics, though.
  9. Now I understand this post. Seriously, my thoughts on Andrew Bird are as follows: the Youtube clip where he whistled and played a bunch of instruments on that kids' show was pretty cool. I really haven't listened to enough of his music to have formed more of an opinion, and even if I had, would not have put it as nepatriots did. Granted, his style is so much of a departure from mine that it could be seen as intentional masking but it's just not so. I have never heard anything by Scott Walker or the National, nor do I know whether "the Boxer" refers to a band, an album or the song by Simo
  10. Thanks, David. Though I'm sure my closing this thread will just open up more speculation, I'm done with it. edit: see?
  11. nepatriots posted this thread on Wednesday morning. If it was posted from the hospital IP, it's not me because I was home with my wife on Wednesday morning, preparing for her surgery. If it was posted from a different IP, I'm sure it's not the same as my home IP, because I didn't post it.
  12. Rhode Island Hospital employs 6,063 people, and Lifespan (RIH's parent company) a further 4,500. Any one of them that works with a networked computer can post here, and depending on which network they are on, would show up as the same IP, because all users on a network would use the same gateway. I'm a little rusty on my IP knowledge, but I think that's how it works. Regardless, one way or another, a different person, unknown to me, is posting under the same IP address as I am.
  13. Lifespan runs Rhode Island Hospital, which is a big place. Not me.
  14. Asking for clarification ≠ just pointing out your shortcomings. What you wrote didn't make much "since."
  15. Are you asking me why I have "In a Future Age" on my list, or why more people don't? If it's the former, the answer is "because I don't like it as much as I like other Wilco songs, to the point that I have placed it in my bottom five." If it's the latter, I don't have an answer for you.
  16. Okay, I'll go: Handshake Drugs In a Future Age Radio Cure I'm a Wheel Pick up the Change
  17. I'll take this one. moxiebean does not like "Reservations," and has placed it in his list of his least favorite Wilco songs.
  18. I spoke too soon. I also have Trevor (Fucking) Hoffman in the "good" league. Asshole.
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