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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. The idea is that it would be recognizable as someone else's work...here's a selection of some of the stuff we're thinking of using: Calexico - Alone Again Or The Meat Purveyors - Round and Round English Beat - Tears of a Clown Senor Coconut & His Orchestra - Beat It Johnny Paycheck tribute album A Nod to Bob etc.
  2. I have the GP disc, but would love the Springsteen one. Much obliged, Railwalker.
  3. I have an urgent request for ysi/sendspace of some good/recognizable cover songs to be played at a public event this THURSDAY. I have some on my computer and elsewhere, but I would appreciate any links you can send my way (PM if you're uncomfortable posting them publicly, although this request doesn't violate VC rules as I read them). I would guess we need a couple hours' worth, preferably with no repeats. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
  4. Billy Vanilli Vanilla bean ice cream with chocolate Billy Beer cans and toffee-coated peanuts ?
  5. Yeah, and somebody who diddles kids is a pederast, not a pederass.
  6. Whoops. Here you go.
  7. I imagine there is upkeep on the lawn, just as there is on a building. Surely you're not suggesting there aren't maintenance costs for the venue, simply because it is outdoors? Is there a pavilion? Toilets?
  8. Who would like to contribute to a bail fund for Sir Stewart? I'll host it at my PayPal account. Unused funds will go towards supporting small brewers and wineries here and abroad.
  9. "Hot," now "How." That's the bj song I was referring to. Most of her songs are about fucking of one kind or another.
  10. Nitpicking, but that was probably after 1995, since the vintage date should be the date the grapes were pressed, not the year the wine was bottled. Probably 1997 (or later, since it's clearly a fine wine) or so.
  11. I liked Whip Smart a lot, and probably still have a copy of it floating around somewhere. Exile in Guyville was very good, but it sounded like she was trying too hard to be edgy and over the top at times. The s/t album is the poppy one, right? Decent pop songs, a little polished for my taste. The song about blowjobs is nice. No reason to hate it, IMO, unless you're going the sellout route, which isn't something that's ever bugged me all that much.
  12. I don't know if you've heard, but that would be an insult.
  13. It's very possible that they aren't notifying anyone until after the album is released. It's also possible that they are only notifying the winners, and none of the winners are registered here. It's also possible that they are only notifying the winners, and the winners who post here aren't interested in sharing. Or maybe it's all a scam.
  14. Here is the original link, which is expired. If I remember to, I'll make a new link tonight. Feel free to send me a PM to remind me.
  15. Just for reference, I had "Footloose" running through my head this morning. Take from that what you will.
  16. What does internet bravery mean? That I wouldn't call you a sanctimonious prick to your face? Sadly, I doubt we'll ever find out. As for the comment about "the normal noise around here," the same applies to you thinking you need to tell everyone how to behave. If you want to speak to the topic of a thread, do it, but save your lectures for your substitute teaching gig. We were speaking to the topic as well, if in an unconventional manner. Illustrating Jess's point, if you will. There's nothing wrong with having a little fun. You might give it a shot sometime.
  17. Yeah, I'm pretty sure all schools in Virginia are Gun-Free ZonesĀ®, but that's probably about as effectively enforced as Drug-Free ZonesĀ®.
  18. You know, if baseball was so fucking keen on keeping gambling away from the sport, you'd think they would object to NESN running a Foxwoods commercial DURING EVERY SINGLE COMMERCIAL BREAK DURING EVERY SINGLE FUCKING RED SOX GAME.
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