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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. Coincidentally, another message board I post at has just such a thread and has posted his take on that song.
  2. I may have made this joke here before, but he was awesome in the original "The Hills Have Eyes".
  3. Our Christmas tree (and all the neighbors' I can get my hands on) go through the wood chipper and make their way into compost bins or get used as mulch.
  4. Olbermann wasn't fired. Yeah, Olbermann is a guy who has his own primetime show, and Juan Williams is a freelance political commentator who makes the rounds. It's like wondering why more people talk about when Brad Pitt goes to rehab than DJ Qualls. Crow, I plan events for a membership association. We deal with the military, mostly. Insofar as some aspects of my job involve coordinating senior military officers' attendance at events that will include industry attendees, I am intimately familiar with DoD ethics guidelines. I understand how one might expect different behavior from professional
  5. I'd be a lot more concerned if the money was going the other way.
  6. That of course assumes that I feel Keith Olbermann donating money to political candidates is an ethical lapse. It is common sense to me that there is no conflict here, since nobody with any common sense would identify Olbermann as an unbiased reporter. As bobbob points out, perhaps he shouldn't be anchoring MSNBC's election coverage, but again, nobody is going to mistake MSNBC's election coverage for unbiased reporting either. Olbermann's lapse is failing to report his donations, which Buchanan and Scarborough ostensibly did not.
  7. But Keith Olbermann is not a journalist, he's a commentator. Everyone knows his politics, just as they do Pat Buchanan's, Joe Scarborough's, Karl Rove's, Sean Hannity's, etc., all of whom donate to Republican candidates. I don't see any conflict there as long as they are open about it.
  8. The Fox News donation did not go unreported. Olbermann himself gave them hell for it.
  9. I don't really have a problem with Keith Olbermann contributing to political campaigns, but it's against the rules to do so without notifying the higher-ups first at MSNBC, so I also don't have a problem with him being suspended. He's a commentator, and nobody who has watched his show would mistake him for a reporter, so he doesn't need to keep a pretense of being unbiased...
  10. I would watch Atticus make out with Leroy.
  11. Or he woke up and realized he's sixty-two years old and looks ridiculous fucking his microphone stand while he screeches out "Love in an Elevator", so he decided to sing something a little more gentle.
  12. I still can't get over how much the dude in the brown shirt (with blue undershirt) behind the girl (in green) behind M.(hris looks like my brother.
  13. I suggest doing anything until any part of you bleeds.
  14. FYI, everyone: the plural of "artist" is not "artist". Also, there's no way a UT reunion is happening any time soon.
  15. It's already been established that Pat will be played by Sandy Duncan.
  16. caliber66


    So? Pat is Filipino.
  17. You took my heart And popped it like a pimple It's just that simple.
  18. Actually, the only thing wrong with the song is that, though John was able to rhyme "cripple" and "ripple" with "simple," he couldn't work "nipple" in there.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pK7Bks4XbD4
  20. If you like feral cats, go to the Colosseum.
  21. I don't think Mr. Fox could successfully look much like Mr. Kotche either, aside from being a white dude with brown hair.
  22. Oh, I'd say "All the Way from New York" or maybe "Give It Up" are just right for the album, but "FfH" is just a pile of crap.
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