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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. He's got plenty of freedom to experiment in all his other projects.
  2. I hear the Papa John's on North Lincoln is pretty good.
  3. Maybe they figure he will run as a Libertarian, as he did in 1988. Does anyone believe we will actually elect a president who will be 80 years old before his first term would be over?
  4. Also remember, not every amount of radiation is bad for you.
  5. Should have been more clear. It was in an airport restaurant/bar thing.
  6. I started at UVA the year before Under the Table and Dreaming came out. I can still listen to that one, Remember Two Things and Recently, although I really don't listen to DMB very often at all. No question they are a hugely talented group of musicians - I don't know how anyone who has listened to their music can disagree - and I had a great time the couple live shows I saw them play, but I kind of hate how they seem to have to make every song like so epic, man (this is probably an over-generalization). For example, I was in the Houston airport recently for a layover, and as I was sitting ther
  7. It is spring everywhere in the northern hemisphere.
  8. I think it was - somebody correct me if I'm wrong - "Yeah, the news is in - we're experimenting with making crappy records."
  9. A comparison of various radiation doses
  10. The 80s was an awkward decade for 60s rock icons.
  11. Can't complain too much here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5--Sje98jI
  12. It seems likely that some radiation will reach the West Coast of the U.S., but what does that mean? It's five thousand miles from Tokyo to the West Coast. The UN estimates there are perhaps 4,000 cases of cancer attributable to the effects of Chernobyl, the radiation release of which was nearly a thousand times greater than the peak (to this point) of the Fukushima crisis. There are also possible links to slight, brief increases in birth defects in Germany and Turkey, both of which are significantly closer to the Ukraine than any part of the United States is to Japan.
  13. I bought one at a yard sale and took it to college with me my last year as a goof.
  14. I don't understand the math on the chart. 1 seviert should be 1000 millisevierts, not 100 as implied (i.e., 500, not 50 mSv = 0.5 Sv). Also, all reports I've seen are in the microseviert range, which is a thousandth of a milliseviert. Don't have a link, but it's from an acquaintance's Bloomberg feed. Fukushima peaked (also no link) at 400,000 microsevierts per hour, which would be equivalent to 0.4 Sv, or just below the level at which you would be expected to experience radiation sickness. For comparison, Chernobyl peaked at 300,000,000 microsevierts per hour (300 Sv), which would kill yo
  15. Oddly enough, I was just listening to the brown album and came in here to post how great the bass line is in "King Harvest (Has Surely Come)". Damn, looking at that video you can see how the years of abuse really beat Rick up a lot. How anyone other than Garth Hudson made it to 70 is a miracle.
  16. Dude, I bet the cleaning staff was in on it. Overtime, baby!
  17. The giant, foamy head is from the Belgian yeast. The lack of body to the head compared to Guinness is because Guinness (draught and "widget" cans & bottles) are nitrogenated rather than carbonated.
  18. Yep. Found her live set to be lackluster and kinda boring, but the songs were nice. Her guitarist reminded me of Nels a little bit - enough to be interesting, but not enough to annoy me.
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