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Everything posted by caliber66

  1. I was just browsing back a few pages, and I see that I missed this the first time. Hope you had a great day, man!
  2. It's called "Magners" here, and you can get it in Northern Virginia, anyway.
  3. Whom can I speak to about a trade for J.D. Drew?
  4. Budvar is pretty tasty, even if it is a n00b.
  5. Budejovice Budweiser, founded 1895. Anheuser Busch Budweiser, trademarked 1878.
  6. Yeah, I'm gonna go with cryptique & mr. k on this one. Just because there's history around it, doesn't mean it's not dumb. The story about it being the transposition of the name of a local landmark doesn't give it any more meaning. But if it works for you, go for it. I spent five years screaming "Wahoowa."
  7. I know you already have that information. It's on the marriage certificate. Sorry, "civil union."
  8. You can change it, you know. But you should leave it as is. PM me for his numbers, anyone who wants them. I also know his birthdate and ssn. And what size suit jacket he wore in mid-2006. If anyone wants to know.
  9. I spent many an afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese losing to Wookies at this game. They took it out while we were in college, and it took weeks to get over it.
  10. Those were the shoes we wore when I played freshman basketball for the Killeen Kangaroos. That game was outlawed in my elementary school after two eye injuries. I also stepped on a racquetball to keep it from rolling too far away, and I broke it in half. Wall ball was fucking awesome.
  11. Oh yeah! We still have a bunch of them at my parents' house, too.
  12. I'm with THDW...nickerson on this one. There's hypocrisy and there's hypocrisy, and this one qualifies as one or the other. I'd put this one about on the level of a Jim Bakker (who is soliciting donations again) and Ted Haggerty.
  13. Well, that happened last night. I can't think of any other instances lately, though...
  14. We are probably going to buy at least one, and possibly two, Mazda M3s.
  15. As I said before, I'm far from a Tweedy worshipper. If you want to paint me as one, that's your prerogative, but you're wrong. As far as your continued claim that this was a written piece by Jeff Tweedy, I continue to disagree. If the main part of the article was not a distillation of the conversation referenced immediately prior, why mention the conversation at all? Everything about the way the article reads (tone, style, language) suggests to me that it is transcription of spoken words. As for giving Tweedy the byline - as you say yourself, every word betyond the first two expository parag
  16. Jay said himself, in the IATTBYH doc, that Jeff told him that he "didn't think [he] could make music with [Jay] anymore." Jay was definitely asked to leave.
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