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Now playing from 29th August 2006

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holy shit i think i might have done a complete 180 on her with this record... her voice is much more Billie Holiday than Lisa Simpson this time around, and the music is equally as gorgeous...


bit worried about the length of some of these songs (17 minutes!!!!) but through track 1, so far so good :music


Brilliant stuff! I didn't know Jim O'Rourke was mixing this. Only on track 1, but I'm very pleased so far (but I am one of the people that actually loved her first album, and her voice).

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her voice is a lot less baby-ish and doesn't crack nearly as much (although i still cringe a few times on this record when it does, especially towards the end of the last track)


i'm super SUPER anal about vocals, so i'm pretty shocked i love this new one so much, but the previous one, while the music was gorgeous, i just couldn't get over a lot of her crackly and cooing voice. her voice actually sounds rather pretty on this new one at times even.


but yeah, the production is impeccable

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I don't think her voice sounds too much different myself, maybe slightly smoother around the edges, but I think the lush production makes her sound a bit more palateable - I don't know, it's hard to say really because I never found her voice too weird in the first place. They are bloody long songs though, aren't they!

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her voice is a lot less baby-ish and doesn't crack nearly as much (although i still cringe a few times on this record when it does, especially towards the end of the last track)


i'm super SUPER anal about vocals, so i'm pretty shocked i love this new one so much, but the previous one, while the music was gorgeous, i just couldn't get over a lot of her crackly and cooing voice. her voice actually sounds rather pretty on this new one at times even.


but yeah, the production is impeccable


yeah its great. this album could be pretty big for her i imagine.

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