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Various Wilco Demos, Downloads, Etc.

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I suppose that's a grey area - as they are out of print. I once had the guy who runs the Black Crowes board tell me that it did not matter if something was out of print - it was still ripping off the band to post whatever it was.

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I have not put any shows in the folder yet. I may get to it sometime this month.

Below are all the shows we have collected and uploaded to The Wilco Live Show Archive from July 2021-January 2022:    

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Yeah, it's tough to say. I probably shouldn't host those, but I figure it's probably not too tough to get them and who knows? They might appear on the inevitable archives as well.


I guess my basic rule (with the Wilco Singles Collection being a possible exception) is: Would Dime allow it?

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That's a good rule to go by - maybe we should forget the NY stuff then.


Maybe next we can do a set I have called The Collected Jeff Tweedy (I think) - it came from someone on here years ago.

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Copyright is a fine line no matter how you see it, and I realize that my site treads that line. I realize that at some point, someone will probably ask me to take something down. When that happens, I just want to make sure that the material it at least arguably legal. ;)


Collected Tweedy sounds good. I might have that somewhere, though, so let me take a look through my dusty CD collection.

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Would Dime allow it?


Thanks for another fine Tweedely.Half of my Up's beein' banned leaves another very anjoyable half(just re -seeded Mermaid Demos)-Continental- :cheekkiss -Howdy

Not a word.



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Check the first post in the thread. They should all be there, except for the Mermaid Demos, which will be posted in another week or so.



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Check the first post in the thread. They should all be there, except for the Mermaid Demos, which will be posted in another week or so.







For appoxiamtely 200,000,000 I've been trying to get "I

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My iPod crashed and in trying to reassemble my Wilco collection, I realized that I didn't have backups of a few non-album tracks, namely:


Old Maid - from the You Can Never Go Fast Enough soundtrack

Let Me Come Home - from the Amos House Collection, Vol. 3

Just a Kid - from the Spongebob Squarepants soundtrack


Ideally, I'd like to get these in lossless formats, but anything of a decent bitrate would do. If anyone can help me out, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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I wish I could help you out, mattboh ... hopefully someone will. It was damned cool of you to seed the bonus disc in FLAC -- many thanks for that. :thumbup


You're very welcome. Glad you enjoyed it. It would be nice to see them put the iTunes bonus track out in a non-lossy format. That tune rocks hard!

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