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That's enough Sufjan Stevens

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When I first heard Sufjan Stevens' Illinoise! album, I was floored. I thought it was great, a little excessive, but great. And I was intrigued and thrilled that he would be making an album for all 50 states (or so he said), now that promise is becoming more of a threat. He's very prolific, which is a good thing, but there is just too much music!!!

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The Christmas album, although 5 CDs only clocks in at around 2 hours, if I remember correctly.


That said, I could never get into Illinoise. There were a couple of good songs, the rest just annoyed the hell out of me.

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The christmas box is a compilation of the last 5 christmas EPs that he made for limited release and friends and family. I wouldn't really call it a singular project anymore than any other box set.


Beisdes, what's wrong with prolific if it's somone you like? Zappa's large catalogue to me is the gift that keeps on giving.


Anyway, I really liked sufjan's earlier 2 albums Michigan and Seven Swans. He's a studied oboist and pretty talanted arranger. It's good to see that different prospective in pop.

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I often wonder if the naysayers even buy into what they're saying. If I see the word "precious" juxtaposed with Sufjan one more time, I might just lose my shit for good. That one really went viral fast, didn't it? And besides, who cares if he brings a light touch to his stuff? Are you that frustrated with the guy's relative originality that you have to attempt to convince yourself that his entire approach to songwriting is a liability and not an asset? If you're that bothered by it, fine, just accept that his style of pop music isn't for you and get over it, already. Let me guess: you also think Pet Sounds is overrated! Hey, it's cool. Seriously, we get it. We just don't tend to agree.

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