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epic guitar solos...are alright...I guess

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While I could live out the rest of my days without hearing "Freebird" one more time, If you ever get the chance to hear a really good version of this live with all three guitars when they are "on" and you still thingk it sucks, well then you are beyond hope.

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The 20+ minute version of Sonic Youth's "Diamond Sea" can be pretty transcendent at times, though I don't know that everyone would consider that to be an 'epic' solo. The same can be said (at least in my mind) for Yo La Tengo's "Pass the Hatchet I think I'm Goodkind."


Even classic epic solos can be great phenomena, Hendrix I believe for the most part lives up to all his hype as a guitarist, and there are plenty more who can keep on cranking it out without being a yawn-fest. Skynyrd, I just don't like very much, but the first time I ever heard "Freebird" I thought it was pretty cool, though admittedly it's been all downhill from there.


I also listen to a fair bit of jazz, maybe that colors my opinion.

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I suspect that ultra long guitar solos have had their day.....



I hope you're wrong :D . Maybe it'll come back...I pine for the days when dinosaurs roamed the earth.

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haha. I hate tomatoes.


I admit, done tastefully (or by Neil Young) guitar solos can be awesome. But when a song is kinda...meh, and the band members go "alright, let's just do a solo that'll blow people's minds!" and name it "Freebird", "Stairway to Heaven", or "Hotel California"...well...that's where I draw the line.

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"Freebird", "Stairway to Heaven", or "Hotel California"

Oh, so what you meant to say is "all the songs q23 tried to learn how to play in high school to impress chicks suck". :lol I can get behind that argument moreso than the original one, tho I still think the issue with these songs has a lot to do with overexposure.

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