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Genesis--The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway :worship


I'm shocked that no one has mentioned this one yet.

MBed - you know I love that one


people here are very "indie" and all, though


Yeah baby! You know it makes sense! I love Rush....or I did up to about Signals.

Try "Counterparts"


not a concept album, though

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I, too, love the DBT's Southern Rock Opera.

I'll add Richard Buckner's "The Hill" and Okkervil River's "Black Sheep Boy".


I'll second these and add:


Rock Plaza Central--Are We Not Horses

Willie Nelson--Red Headed Stranger

Willie Nelson--Phases and Stages

Willie Nelson--Yesterday's Wine

The Magnetic Fields--69 Love Songs Love is a "concept", right?

The South San Gabriel album about Will Johnson's cat

Sufjan Stevens--Michigan and Illinois

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take some heat? why?


local h is alright, in fact i had that on in the car this morning. i didn't realize it was a concept album though.


ha i dunno, it didnt strike me that the typical Wilco fan would overlap with Local H, but then again I'm here too :P


Yea, its definitely a concept album. The first two tracks revolve around his life in a dead end town.


The "singer" first decides to shoot for the big time on "Lucky" ("Pack up the cats And move to the city, Leave the checks and the balance behind").


Then he arrives on the scene directly after that with "Hit The Skids" (you hear in the beginning all the annoying roadie answering machine messages, who are suddenly gravitating to him and trying to be his friend).


Then in 500,000 Scovilles, things have picked up more ("I

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i just found another concept album that i really like (somebody mentioned it previously)...


red headed stranger - willie nelson


the liner art is worth the price of admission. plus you get the music.


check it.

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one of my favorite albums that just happens to be a concept album.




somehow the idea of each of the four tracks being 20+ minutes long doesn't phase me.

one of the very few albums i've ever heard in which the sound is so spacial, so colossally driven, so expansively beautiful. it's total beauty.

every guitar bit, every keyboard run, every drum roll, every bass groove, every vocal delivery.

good shit.

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