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Belle and Sebastian

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What are the must have Belle and Sebastian records? I know a few songs ("Boy With The Arab Strap", "Seymour Stein") so what should I get?


If You're Feeling Sinister, The Boy With The Arab Strap and Dear Catastrophe Waitress. DCW maybe the one i listen to the most, but honestly everything is gold... i'd be happy to send you some of the ep tracks and stuff, as well, so you don't have to worry about those at this stage of getting into them....

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I don't understand what the hoopla is over Arab Strap. I'd have to say it's my least favorite album. There really isn't a bad album they do. But, for your first two, to get a good mix of old and new, get The Life Persuit and Push Barman to Enter Old Wounds.

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The Boy with the Arab Strap is, by a long way, my favourite B&S record.


Also worth checking out is the double disc b-sides and rarities album Push Barman to Open Old Wounds, which has some of their best stuff on it...



Was listening to this for the first time in years on the way to work. I would definitely get "If You're Feeling Sinister" above all of their records.

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Sinister and Arab. Stay away from the live shows. Unless you need a good nap.

Yeah not the most thrilling band live, but I saw them play with the New Pornos and I had a really good time. It was on the Life Pursuit tour, and I think that album definitely lends to more dancing and general upbeatness. Plus my good friend Jose Cuervo accompanied me, so how could I have gone wrong? :yes

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A lot of their stuff is great--the EPs in general are overlooked, I think.


I saw them in Canada last year on their Life Pursuit tour, and while they don't exactly rock, they definitely blew away the New Pornographers, who opened. Maybe that's because Neko wasn't there, I don't know. They have a lovely way of sharing instruments seemingly at random, and Stuart had a nice rapport with the crowd. Definitely a band worth checking out, both recorded and live.

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