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My band gets a lot of Ben Folds comparisons, but I've only heard him and his band on the radio. But seeing as how I LIKE what I've heard there, I figure I should probably dig a little deeper.


Any fans here? Where would you suggest I start?


Thanks for your input.

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"Where would you suggest I start?"


the internet.

ben folds five is better than ben folds. much better. now, at times he just sounds like a tuneful weird al. yuck. the early stuff is where it is at.

you kind of sound like the kinks too. that comparison might be better. however, the music sounds a bit midi at times, not natural.

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WELL... I'd start at the beginning... IMO he's not released a strinker yet.


So, as Ben Folds Five, start with:

Ben Folds Five

Whatever and Ever Amen

The Unauthorized Biography of Reinhold Messner


Then solo:

Rockin' the Suburbs

Songs for Silverman


His EP's are worth getting to, though they were collated into

Supersunnyspeedgraphic: The LP


All of them are great though! So it doesn't really matter where you start (though Songs for Silverman is a more reflective album and lacks catchy tunes).

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The BF5 cover of "Video Killed the Radio Star" rocks my ass off. A few years ago I managed to injure myself while dancing in my kitchen to it. It's just that much fun.


Another vote for starting at the beginning. Better yet, see him live. I had a hard time getting into his recorded stuff until I saw him opening for Weezer.

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I say get the first BFF record. It's great. "Whatever and ever..." is my favorite though. "Song for the Dumped" is amazing.

Though really any of the discs are great. Some songs are just ok, but I don't really think there is a Ben Folds song I hate.


"Bitches Ain't Shit" cover = :worship my sister and I go all gansta in the truck when we play that song. :-P

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No question the early stuff. Whatever and Ever Amen is a classic. Those early shows were incredible. The bass and drums made it a rocking piano trio with a lot of humor. After that they lost their luster and he went solo and now sounds like a bad Joe Jackson imitation. They caught lightning in a bottle for about a three-year period.

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I think "Whatever and Ever Amen" is the best Ben Folds Five release, though they're all good (even "Naked Baby Photos", which some folks don't care for). I never bothered with his solo stuff.


You can get the BF5 Sessions at West 54 dvd really cheap. It's so excellent seeing those guys play those tunes and making it look so easy...and vintage blue sparkle Slingerland drums...there needs to be a "drool" smiley for that.

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I liked S/T album but was probably one of the few people who really disliked Whatever and Ever enough that I really haven't listened to anything since. I still spin that first record every once in a while, though. "The Last Polka" just came up on my iPod the other day--I always liked that one.

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I think the main reason I like "Whatever..." best is because, aside from hearing a song or two on the radio, the first time I really payed attention to the band was when they played on Sessions. I think "Missing the War" was the first tune, and I was impressed that in addition to their great melodies, they had such a strong sense of dynamics. That goes a long way with me, probably because I played in my high school orchestra.

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Reinhold Messner and Songs for Silverman



one day, when i lived in Nashville, i was having lunch in the cafe at the museum i worked at with other folks, someone looked out the window and said, "hey that guy looks like ben folds." and we all chuckled. then we realized it was ben folds.

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I'd start with the self titled BFF and Whatever.


Definitely don't start with Messner.


As for solo stuff, Songs for Silverman is a lot more laid back than Rockin' the Suburbs.




Also, for anyone who cares, Ben reportedly has started working on his new album in Chicago (ditching his own Nashville studio) and is working with producer Brian Deck (Iron and Wine, Modest Mouse, Josh Ritter).

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  • 8 months later...
No question the early stuff. Whatever and Ever Amen is a classic. Those early shows were incredible. The bass and drums made it a rocking piano trio with a lot of humor. After that they lost their luster and he went solo and now sounds like a bad Joe Jackson imitation. They caught lightning in a bottle for about a three-year period.


what he said


edit - sorry, didn't realize this was a bumped thread

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Guest Hollinger.



I wanted to get one of these last time he was in Des Moines, but his merch people were not catering to fat dudes and had no shirts bigger than a Large. For shame.

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i saw him a few months ago too.

got to meet him before the show, and he was a super guy. really really nice, and honestly i thought he would be an asshole.


the show was amazing! he played for nearly 2 hours. we got to see him at a very tiny venue in chattanooga 5 rows back and it was incredible. the new songs he played were great.


def go see him if he plays in your area, the only bummer is the steep tickets. $40 a piece.


EDIT- i have the I

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