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OiNK closed down, admin arrested

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Just thought I'd share the news, because I know it was a popular site for some - and down right despised by others. I haven't used it much in the last year and I felt that opening it up to so many (I think they were at 180K members) would make it a prime target to kill. Seems like I was right. :ohwell




OiNK Busted

October 23, 2007

Thomas Mennecke


In what is being touted as a victory against the "biggest source of illegal pre-release chart albums", the IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) concluded a joint two year investigation that has lead to the dismantling of the popular BitTorrent site OiNK. British and Dutch police coordinated their efforts which led to the arrest of the site administrator in the UK, and the seizure of OiNK's servers in Amsterdam.


OiNK was a highly sought after target because of its alleged status as a pre-release gold mine. While pre-release material typically shows up on most BitTorrent sites given enough time, the IFPI charges that more than "60 major album releases have been leaked on OiNK so far this year, making it the primary source worldwide for illegal pre-release music."


The arrest of OiNK's administrator is a significant escalation in copyright enforcement. Typically, individuals in such positions are only taken into custody without an arrest, however today's events are a bit extraordinary. BitTorrent administration has become a risky game, with operators running out of countries to safely call home.


Also: Reuters has the story, which also explains why the admin was arrested: "British police said they arrested the 24-year-old on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud and infringement of copyright law."

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i'd say that as long as you never were an initial uploader of a torrent you have little to worry about... :thumbup

I'm not real worried. There are thousands upon thousands of people who used Oink a lot more than I ever did.


I uploaded two or three discs a LONG time ago, but they probably weren't from any of the RIAA's labels, so I might have that going for me. :yay

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I don't have an account in my name but my partner uploaded a few. They were rarer things ripped from our vinyl copies (not RIAA stuff) so I think we should be safe. Makes me nervous anyway. This is quite a take down. Score one for the RIAA.

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