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I can't speak for the rest of you, but '93-'01 were some pretty damn good years for me and my family. Then the fucking roof caved in.


Kucinich is a modern-day Clean Gene McCarthy in my opinion. I'd love for him to have a chance, but I just don't see it.


Dude, I don't mean to get all up in your face, but Jerry Garcia died while Bill Clinton, not George Bush, was president.


Yeah, a real golden age in america...

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Dude, I don't mean to get all up in your face, but Jerry Garcia died while Bill Clinton, not George Bush, was president.


Yeah, a real golden age in america...


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I have totally given up any semblence of sense on this one and figure Hillary is just fine. After eight years of George Bush, who the fuck really cares. How much worse can she mess things up? And she could be the first female president to boot. I like Obama and plan to vote for him in the primary, since he is from Illinois. I remember Kusinich as the boy mayor of Cleveland and while his positions are usually PC he is isn't going anywhere but back to Cleveland. I like Edwards okay and I like most of the rest of the field except for the dreadfully old school guy Chris Dodd.


I plan to vote for Hillary in the general election when she is up against Guliani, I mean why the heck not?



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The difference between Hillary and Obama is bigger than Democrat and Republican. Screw the political parties.

Have you heard of the Krell Brain Enhancer?

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It's in the movie Forbidden Planet. It works as kind of an intellect booster.

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Dr. Edward Morbius: In times long past, this planet was the home of a mighty, noble race of beings who called themselves the Krell. Ethically and technologically they were a million years ahead of humankind, for in unlocking the meaning of nature they had conquered even their baser selves, and when in the course of eons they had abolished sickness and insanity, crime and all injustice, they turned, still in high benevolence, upwards towards space. Then, having reached the heights, this all-but-divine race disappeared in a single night, and nothing was preserved above ground.

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It's in the movie Forbidden Planet. It works as kind of an intellect booster.


Maybe the people in America could use the Krell enhancer.

Why do we keep change at a minimum. Dont disturb the machine, we fear change, our minds are too weak.

Could people even handle the enhancer? Maybe Hillary is the change of speed we can handle. We move slow. It's fine, at least she will be better than what we have now and be the first woman prez. My vote is for Obama for now.

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See, but if you used the krell brain enhancer you'd realize you were watching a futuristic version of "The Tempest". Except Shakespeare wasn't clever enough to come up with a robot that can manufacture alcohol.


Also the krell brain enhancer kills people who aren't already geniuses.

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Hillary... If a lot of people think W is bad about not being honest with the American people, Hillary is the best liar in the world.. Like Edward Klein said "She has this unbelievable ability to be a liar. She is soulless." She has had an agenda her whole life.. She met Bill and saw him as her ticket to success.. She doesn't care about America, she just wants power..


Dennis Kucinich - Are you kidding me.. He's the one that met with the terrorist murderer President Bashar Assad in Syria and badmouthed our country.. He even went on Syrian TV to bash Bush on the "illegal occupation" in iraq.. Amazing.. Umm.. isn't that treason??


Jon Edwards.. He's racist... And just generally, a dumbass

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whether i agree w/ the rationale behind it or not, clinton is so polarizing to a lot folks on both sides of the fence. i will likely vote for her, should she get the nod, but her candidacy is a gurantee of another four years of a republican administration. not even because she's a woman...but moreso that she's hillary clinton.


there is a legitmate opportunity to capitalize on the droves upon droves of foibles that have occured under republican watch for the last 8 years and actually get people to vote on legitimate performance and issues...but her persona will overshadow that.


obama/troy 2008!

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why does hillary have this nomination already in her cold icy grip? when did she sign her pact with satan? why is everybody nodding their heads in agreement she's going to get the nomination?


snap out of it people!


do not stare directly into her eyes!...those glowing red eyes....


there is still time to save ourselves.


if it comes down to guiliani/romney/insert *candidate here. vs. obama, obama is my man.


*with the exception of fred thompson. if he somehow gets his unenthusiastic ass in, i have to consider him. that's just the conservative inside me talking.


however, if hillary gets it..i can't even think about that right now. that's just too depressing.

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