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Bob Dylan in a Cadillac

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I haven't seen it yet. I'm still trying to erase the memory of his Victoria's Secret ad from my mind.

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No one should be surprised by anything Dylan does these days, frankly.


I have been tring to get through the Dylan interview book and many of them from the late 70s on are so boring it is beyond belief



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  Sir Stewart said:



Sweet Fancy Moses you guys...go hug a tree.


It's a great fucking commercial.

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See the victoria secert thing was funny. Back in 65 or 66 Dylan did a press confernce in SF and was asked if he were to sell out to market a product what would it be.


40 years later he appears in his first commerical: Victoria Secert.


I laughed that off.


This is a bit unsettling. But then I was reading a Tom Waits interview were he said he belives Dylan is constently tring to destory his image; this idea makes sense. People gasp when hearing that dylan sold out for a car company but I think he is trying to say that most would sell out. He is no better person then you or me. Doesn't the lyric go "i'm just average, common too"


I honestly belive there is meaning behind everything the man does.

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  Porkchop Crow said:
Sweet Fancy Moses you guys...go hug a tree.


It's a great fucking commercial.


I gladly will go hg a tree. It's morons with your logic that are holding the human race back.


In 1000 A.D. there were famers living in greenland. As temputers began to drop the people died off; when traders returned next season there was no one left. Curious considering there was a whole tribe of hunter gathers living next door who were killing seals for food. Rather then stop farming and start hunting they choose there way of life which ended in death.




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  jc4prez said:
... Dylan is constently tring to destory his image; this idea makes sense ...


See, I tell myself the same thing. And then I realize that I don't cut Bono any slack for his ipod commercials (for example) and I can't help but think I am engaged in a mamouth case of rationalizing because I like Dylan and don't like Bono.


But yes, I can see the argument. Painting his face, his Christian period, that part in Chronicles where he admits to doing anything he could to confuse people because anything -- even being crazy -- was better than being a saviour. I suppose a sell-out is better than being a saviour too. :)


Like I said, good for him.

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  MattZ said:
See, I tell myself the same thing. And then I realize that I don't cut Bono any slack for his ipod commercials (for example) and I can't help but think I am engaged in a mamouth case of rationalizing because I like Dylan and don't like Bono.

I think so, especially when considering that Bono didn't get a dime in his pocket for the iPod ad.

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  jc4prez said:
I honestly belive there is meaning behind everything the man does.
Actually Dylan has always said in every interview he ever did that there is NO meaning behind what he does and I think that's the truth.


I would like to think that this Caddy thing is a way to fuck up his imagine and keep everyone guessing, but frankly I think it is just a way to fuck up his image and pocket a ton of dough. Other than that I don't feel there is anything happening here for all us Mr. Joneses.




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  jc4prez said:
I gladly will go hg a tree. It's maroons with your logic that are holding the human race back.


Fixed it for ya



Humorless AND rude.

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  Porkchop Crow said:
Fixed it for ya

Humorless AND rude.



WTF are you talking about?


I like the way you attack me for missing the letter U rather then the point I was tring to make. AKA your an idiot.


I'm sick of hearing people get mad at others because they are being thinking enviormentally. GROW UP THEY ARE TRYING TO SAVE THE PLANET YOU CALL HOME!

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  Sir Stewart said:
I think so, especially when considering that Bono didn't get a dime in his pocket for the iPod ad.


and it did nothing to promote U2's new album.


i think Dylan's ad is pretty funny, especially the voice over. that voice is way too weird to hear in any advertisement.

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