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The first song at your wedding?

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We went with "Dreaming My Dreams" by the Cranberries.

ooh, i forgot how much i used to love that song.


we got married in las vegas with only immediate family. We had no reception. After the 15 minute wedding, we went and got some ice cream and went out for thai that evening.

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"The Nearness of You," sung a la the Keith Richards demo that's never been commercially available, which the engineer of the tune sent to me via email one magical afternoon.

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I'm pushing for Via Chicago. She's not really goin' for it...



Seriously though I do suggest it as a joke and it gets a major roll of the eyes to which I of course have to (poorly) sing the first few lines.


Really, I don't know what song it'll be. Just as long as she doesn't want some lame Jack Johnson number, I'm cool.

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This gem from Watercolor was our first dance song. I have some Super8 film from the wedding cut to this song. If I can figure out how to rip it from DVD to youtube, I'll up it.


Joe Pisapia of Guster is half of Watercolor.


Father/Daughter, Mother/Son dance was Please Tell My Brother, but that was because we were moving to Colorado three weeks after the wedding.


Good times.

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Guest Speed Racer
but no, really, i'd like to use Kinks - Strangers


Ditto, but I think I'd rather go with the Golden Smog version on account of it doesn't sound so much like it was recorded in a bathtub.

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Not married yet, but I want to walk up the aisle to two of my friends playing Sunken Treasure, and have our first dance to One True Vine. That is, with whom I am with now, because those songs are significant to us.

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Mine was "Always and Forever" by Heatwave. I had it picked out since I was 11 years old.



If I were to marry the guy I'm sorta with now, it would be "Woman" by John Lennon.

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"I Knew the Bride When She Used to Rock n Roll" was the first fun dance. I insisted on that :)


That's awesome! I love that song. Had we done a more traditional reception, I definitely would have kicked things off with that, too.

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The Beach Boys - God Only Knows


That was on the mix CD I listened to when I was in labor with my daughter. One of my friends put together a great mix of songs for the occasion, and now every single one of them makes me sob like a baby.

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got married in a Church of Christ, so there was no dancing at the reception... but the first song sung at the wedding was "If" by Bread... WTF? i should've paid more attention to the actual wedding details, methinks...


"If" is actually a great song


better than anything on Sky Blue Sky!


had a girlfriend in college who loved Bread. yep, seriously. I laughed at her but later realized, damn, they're actually pretty good


listen to "Everything I Own". great mid-tempo pop ballad

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