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What's the price of gas where you are?

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  • 4 weeks later...

$3.19 in central NJ (east brunswick)... total republican ploy, but my light wallet is a bit less light.


My wife and I have been commenting to each other about how we both saw the $3.19 sign separately, and how we both had the thought, "wow, what a bargain," and then immediately came to our senses.

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Word on the street in KY is that gas will shoot up to around $5/gallon by tomorrow...in parts of western KY, it's already at $4.69. I had to wait in line for awhile at the pump on my way home from work, and apparently quite a few stations have run out. Thanks, Ike. :hmm

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Word on the street in KY is that gas will shoot up to around $5/gallon by tomorrow...in parts of western KY, it's already at $4.69. I had to wait in line for awhile at the pump on my way home from work, and apparently quite a few stations have run out. Thanks, Ike. :hmm



It was $4.80 this morning in Osceola, AR. It was 3.60 yesterday.


Meanwhile in Memphis (an hour away from Osceola), it's 3.39.

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I had to wait in line for awhile at the pump on my way home from work, and apparently quite a few stations have run out. Thanks, Ike. :hmm


Same here, last night. I had no idea what was going on with all the lines and it was seriously starting to freak me out. I had to call somebody while I was waiting in line to find out. Had one bar left on my gas gauge by the time I pulled up to an actual pump.


Oh and a special "are you serious?!" award goes to the douchebag a couple cars in front of me who decided, after filling up his Escalade, that he'd also fill up 3 gas cans.

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My mom called me and asked if I needed gas in my car. She said my sister had called her from work and asked what was up with all the lines at the gas stations. She said it was a traffic jam at every station on her way to work. My mom went to the gas station about a mile away from my house to buy cigarettes and she said there was a big back up to get gas. It was $3.89 earlier today and now it's $4.09. She said in a town about 20 minutes west of where we live it's almost $6 a gallon!


Jason paid $3.89 on his way home from work today.

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