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Yahoo 25 bands of the 90's

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this list is suck.


no Beasties, Soundgarden, Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson, Alice n Chains, and Nirvana at #10 or whatever, nevermind. And no Wilco! course they weren't fully accomplished then. And Phish were 90's but they were small compared to the others. Who else is Yahoo list worthy? I agreed with some, but thought they were kind of obscure for a Yahoo list, e.g. Dinosaur Jr.


Oh yeah, and Pearl Jam. That is such of f. up I didn't even notice.

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Some interesting choices, but leaving Radiohead and Pearl Jam off seems pretty dumb.


Another list for the round basket.

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Blocked by the damn web filter. Is this something that can be copied and pasted, or is it multimedia?



...or maybe I could just view it when I get home tonight. :stunned

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Blocked by the damn web filter. Is this something that can be copied and pasted, or is it multimedia?



...or maybe I could just view it when I get home tonight. :stunned


Tom Waits was #1. That's all I can remember.

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The 25 Best Alternative Rock Bands Of The 1990s

Posted Tue Jun 3 12:54pm PDT by Rob O'Connor in List Of The Day

With Weezer out with a new album, it reminded us here at List Of the Day (actually it's just me, but I talk to myself enough to engage the plural) that there were other bands that also existed in the 1990s. And most of them, regardless of what they sounded like, got marketed as "indie" (even if on a major label), alternative (even if they sounded like the Eagles with distortion pedals), or punk (grab a safety pin and say "Oi!").


Were Pearl Jam or Stone Temple Pilots or Nine Inch Nails really alternative groups back in the 1990s? I suppose Trent Reznor was scratching out a new sound, and Pearl Jam may have sounded like Blood, Sweat and Tears on "the clear" but their business practices and general outlook on life once they'd sold 10 million copies of their first album was pretty much a "leave us be" kind of approach. Hole were terrible. Rancid sounded like the Clash, but much worse. Bad Religion somehow got popular. And Fugazi made dull records but managed to put their Marxist anti-consumerist values to the test and stayed true to their ideals until the end. Bravo for that.


This time around I decided to really mess with you. That's right. I put SOLO ACTS on the list. Because even the best solo performers hire someone to play behind them. And while I still compromised the list a tad to include bands that sold a few records here--I mean, Beck was a hero to most, but he always seemed a little forced to me--I did manage to put some of my personal faves way higher on the list than any other listening human would. I did Nirvana the favor of keeping them in the Top 10 out of pure crass cynicism. And Smashing Pumpkins were ignored because they're not alternative, they're Queen.


I also short-changed the British big time. (Belle & Sebastian are Scottish.) Somehow, it seems like they should have their own list someday, a place where Pulp and Blur and Oasis can duke it out without a bunch of loudmouth Americans getting in the way.


I had over 75 bands on this initial list and everyone included had to start in the first half of the 1990s to qualify. While cutting L7 was easy, trashing the unforgivable Goo Goo Dolls was natural, and losing Radiohead made me chuckle (oh, the hatemail), seeing the dude from Palace sent to the scrapheap made me a little sad until I realized, some day there will be an alt.country list that I can sneak him and Richard Buckner onto! But until then, we'll stick with this crap. (And for those wondering, the Yo La Tengo snub was deliberate, too. I love plenty of dull, sleepy music, but not from Hoboken.)


25) Sebadoh: By acting like he didn't care and singing as if he had a cold, Lou Barlow made sloppy half-assed albums that always included a couple of heart-tugging tunes that made girls weep and boys think to themselves "I gotta try that." That's right kids, even the losers get lucky sometimes!


24) Dinosaur Jr.: From the band that gave us Lou Barlow and Sebadoh, number 25 on this list (just look above you), Dinosaur Jr. became the ruling party for J. Mascis whose idea of a good time is making everyone in his audience completely deaf. He has essentially written the same three or four songs over and over and done so with just enough skill to make it seem irrelevant. As long as you like the songs he writes, who cares about diversity or variety. Just sit around and play video games and pretend your life isn't going down the toilet. Works for me.


23) Sonic Youth: The band that wouldn't die. No one can kill these guys. They will be making albums long after the rest of us are locked up in retirement communities or buried in landfills. And they will continue to do so without ever properly tuning their guitars. They will continue to spout abstract poetry and fans will argue over what moves were "too rock," "too commercial," "too experimental" and "too over with." Each new generation will like them for three to five albums and eventually move on to breed children and attend soccer games much to their inner horror.


22) Pavement: By acting smarter than everyone else, they became smarter than everyone else. And by having friends in the music business who liked to tell everyone how smart they were, it became fact. To me? The Tom Petty of Alternative Rock. A couple of nice tunes per album with a bunch of filler that only the diehards need to understand. The rest of us can go shopping for furniture.


21) Flaming Lips: Ambitious young scamps whose workaholic ways guaranteed them a staying power no one expected when the Lips first burst on the scene in the mid-

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I'd probably find a way to sneak the Posies onto the list, but otherwise I don't have any huge complaints.


Probably because I can't be bothered to care all that much. ;)

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