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I can tell you this with all certainty...Sky Blue Sky definitely ranks last among all Wilco albums when those albums are ranked in the order in which they were released. You can take that to the bank and thank your teller for the lollipop.


Well why don't you start a thread ranking the Wilco albums? ;)

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Keep in mind that after Revolver/Rubber Soul/Sgt Pepper and the white album, the Beatles made Abbey Road and Let it Be.

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I feel the need to reitterate. No one has any clue what the next record will sound like. It is so weird to me when they debut two brand new songs and someone goes "Oh, shit. Next album is gonna sound like that. THat kind of sucks." I'm sure be it good, or bad, we will all be surprised when there is a new record.


Does anyone remember the video where they debuted "Late Greats" it sounded like a total dud. Ended up being great. "Spiders" went through a complete overhaul. "You Are My Face" wasn't played live until after the record came out. etc. etc.

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I agree with your post, but this statement is inaccurate.

Technically inaccurate, regarding the actual release ... but the record had been streaming on the website for over a month before the song's first live performance.

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Guest Jules
Technically inaccurate, regarding the actual release ... but the record had been streaming on the website for over a month before the song's first live performance.

yada yada yada

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well, i love so much of jeff tweedy's music, the older stuff and the newer, that i can't not repost here my last words about sbs from the sky blue sky thread about 4 days ago:


sky blue sky is a gorgeous work of art. i love it more every day and have been listening to it every day for a long time.

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However mundane and less "profound" the newer lyrics may seem (on the surface) one thing seems consistent throughout the band's career (imo): the way the words move you really depends on the emotional landscape you're in when you listen to the music. Sometimes a line or two can just jump out at you and drill you to the floor. It's always been that way for me with Jeff's music and I have no doubt that will continue.

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However mundane and less "profound" the newer lyrics may seem (on the surface) one thing seems consistent throughout the band's career (imo): the way the words move you really depends on the emotional landscape you're in when you listen to the music. Sometimes a line or two can just jump out at you and drill you to the floor. It's always been that way for me with Jeff's music and I have no doubt that will continue.


This is a very articulate and accurate post and anyone who just skims over it deserves a kick. If there's anything I've witnessed in my profound years of lurking and eventual membership on this site, is the inexplicable connection this sentiment seems to have among Wilco fans. There's this eventuality of sorts, that while you may not love everything immediately, there's a time in the future where you will "get it." I mean, everyone who still hates SBS will probably disagree with me, but I've seen it happen so many times it's hard to think of it as anything but inevitable.


With that, I'll say again, seeing "One Wing" on Saturday night again only made me think of SBS and AGIB. What that means, I don't know, but I think we're all getting a little ahead of ourselves.


Not that we can help it.

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[Yeah -- what he said. I think SBS is amazing and just because there's no "noise" or avange-garde vibe, does not make it any less beautiful. To me, Wilco's all about Jeff's lyrics -- this musical sound scape is just the icing on a very delicious cake. He's still the best lyricist around -- no one can touch him. I love Yankee and Ghost, but can honestly say that righ now, Sky Blue Sky is may favorite -- it just makes me happy. He's not slacking, he's growing.


So there.

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I just hope they don't fall into a formula with every song building to a big Nels jam. It seems like most of the songs on SBS were the song + 2 minutes of Nels. The guy is a great guitar player, but that's a really generic trap to fall into.

I was actually thinking the opposite. I thought it was cool how Nels did just a little noise at the end of One Wing and Pat was the guitar hero.

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[Yeah -- what he said. I think SBS is amazing and just because there's no "noise" or avange-garde vibe, does not make it any less beautiful. To me, Wilco's all about Jeff's lyrics -- this musical sound scape is just the icing on a very delicious cake. He's still the best lyricist around -- no one can touch him. I love Yankee and Ghost, but can honestly say that righ now, Sky Blue Sky is may favorite -- it just makes me happy. He's not slacking, he's growing.


So there.

Does anyone honestly think the only difference between YHF/AGiB and SBS is a lack of "noise"? The songwriting is much more unique and challenging in those older albums -- noise or not -- and the arrangements are much more interesting (IMO).


I've seen some point to O'Rourke as the "bringer of noise" for these albums... Is that true? If so, seems odd to me as that is NOT what his stuff -- both solo and with Loose Fur -- sounds like.

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I've seen some point to O'Rourke as the "bringer of noise" for these albums... Is that true? If so, seems odd to me as that is NOT what his stuff -- both solo and with Loose Fur -- sounds like.

I don't know all of Jim's stuff, so I may not be the best source on this, but from what I've heard, he used to be more noise-oriented and at some point swithced to a more fingerpicking style and totally freaked out his fans.


But yeah, from the Kot book, Via Chicago was the turning point towards noise (or at least more "out" sounds) and that was well before Jeff met Jim.

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Wilco's all about Jeff's lyrics -- this musical sound scape is just the icing on a very delicious cake. He's still the best lyricist around -- no one can touch him. I love Yankee and Ghost, but can honestly say that righ now, Sky Blue Sky is may favorite -- it just makes me happy. He's not slacking, he's growing.

right on, i couldn't agree more.

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People saying Wilco is going downhill, losing their importance, it's scary.


very scary



Someone stating their honest opinion about one of their favorite bands is scary? What's scary to me is how stale and bland their sound has gotten. Again, many of you guys don't agree (or are in denail), but they were a much better band when Jeff had someone to challenge not just his songwriting, but the sound of the band.


It's a fun and nostalgic listen, but AM is full of clunkers. Jay helped make Wilco a great band. I think some of you guys need to go back and listen to Being There, Summerteeth, and YHF again.

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To me, Wilco's all about Jeff's lyrics -- this musical sound scape is just the icing on a very delicious cake. He's still the best lyricist around -- no one can touch him. I love Yankee and Ghost, but can honestly say that righ now, Sky Blue Sky is may favorite -- it just makes me happy. He's not slacking, he's growing.


So there.



Jeff's body of work is phenomenal, but "no one can touch him"? I maybe felt that way five years ago. I think you need to go out and update your record collection.


And to say that Wilco is "all about Jeff's lyrics" really sells the band (and previous members) short. I'm certain he would disagree with you as well.

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> I think some of you guys need to go back and listen to Being There, Summerteeth, and YHF again.


there was quite a difference when YHF came out. i prefer the pre-YHF wilco, but every album has had its classics through their whole career. and SBS is a return to form, IMO

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