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Election Year!!!

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That speech was nothing short of appalling. I could give you a grocery list of things I disagree with Republicans about, but the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach stems mainly from one thing--Sarah Palin and her cohorts putting down Obama's work as a community organizer. Obama and Biden have never belittled McCain's service to his country; in fact, they have publicly praised it, despite their disagreements. When will Republicans understand that serving one's country does not necessarily mean strapping on a gun and marching off to war?

I bet Barry was getting pissed when they were dissin his community organizer work. Only a Repub can make that type of work appear negative.

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I hate to remind you, your vote doesn't matter in MN...unless that hockey thing supercedes the economy, energy, & internat'l affairs.


Nor does yours if I remember correctly; of course that hasn't stopped you from sharing your vast wisdom in this thread.

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also, i hope she credits whoever wrote this speech.

does obama credit his speechwriters?


It's so heartwarming to hear her speak of McCain so lovingly. When did they meet again? Last week?

when did you meet obama?


Sound-bites and stage presence...what more do you need?

yes we can!


Am I really that out of touch with main stream America?


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Nor does yours if I remember correctly; of course that hasn't stopped you from sharing your vast wisdom in this thread.


Whether you agree with him or not (for the record, more often than not, I do), you have to give him credit for taking the time to express his opinion, rather than just jump on occasionally to snarkily remark that nope, after x number of pages, he

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Whether you agree with him or not (for the record, more often than not, I do), you have to give him credit for taking the time to express his opinion, rather than just jump on occasionally to snarkily remark that nope, after x number of pages, he
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I expect the debates to be very good, and very firey. I don't expect much to be held back, and that scares me because I definitely think Biden will say something about Palin's daughter, which will hurt them alot since Obama said families are off limits.

Why do you expect Biden to say something about Bristol Palin?

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yes we can!

Got anything of substance from your end?


"John McCain's campaign manager said that this election is not going to be about the issues, it's going to be about personalities," Obama said at a town hall meeting aimed at women and economic issues. "That's a quote. He said it's not going to be about -
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nonetheless is one word.

Typically, yes. However, there's nothing wrong with the three-word construction, particularly at the end of a sentence. The word "nonetheless" is merely a contraction of the three words that comprise it, nothing more.

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