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I like how Jules always seems calm. Every Jules post reads like Samual L. Jackson said it to me in his most mellow "Royale with Cheese" mode.

This is pretty much how I am, actually.


His voting for the bill is irrelevant, what is relevant is the perverted way the republican party is twisiting the meaning of the bill and how Obama himself has talked about the bill. But whever said that the striaght talk express was actually about striaght talking? This line of argument/campaigning from the republicans is one reason I left the party, geroge W bush was the other.

I get it. I was just confirming that he did, in fact, vote in favor of the bill.

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Just read this in The New Republic. Pretty much bears out what I posted earlier:


Obama's Polldrums


A friend who is overseas called me in a panic (at a dollar a minute, he confessed) to ask what was happening to Barack Obama

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Why be mad at Obama? Maybe this is all he has?

All he has? He's running an honest sticking to the issues campaign, he just needs to address the lies and smears the other side is running. Show me even 1 place Obama is acting like them...just 1. You can't, but he needs to call them out to reach the short-attention span empty headed voters that blindly listen to only one side. I watch as many news programs as I can, read many online papers and websites daily, and hang out on VC :shifty . I don't just listen to Obama friendly quacks. I'm not even a democrat for Pete's sake. I am really loving Ron Paul right now, but he went home.

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Not entirely accurate, but definitely effective. I say not entirely mainly because there have been a few comments addressing concerns over having five kids and having time to be a VP.


The one thing I have not been able to understand (and I posted about it a few days ago to no real response other than the beginnings of another abortion debate) is the assertion that Palin is not a feminist. Personally, I think the fact that she has been able to go from mom to city council to mayor to governor pretty much personifies what feminism is supposed to be about.


But somehow, a woman who chooses to be pro-life cannot be a feminist. It doesn't make sense. Then again, I focus on the aspects of equal opportunity, equal pay, etc., when I think of feminism.


personally, i think her sex and whether she qualifies as a feminist or not should have no part in how qualified she is to assist in leading the country. same way obama's race should have no part in how qualified she is to assist in leading the country.


the whole discussion is a boondoggle and, IMO, one the mccain camp seems willing to exploit in the face of telling hillary to toughen up and not play the gender card...or obama the race card.


to be fair, i think focusing by those of us in the democratic camp on racial overtones in that sex ed ad takes away from the more legitimate beef that it isn't accurate. he may have voted for it, but billing it as 'his only accomplishment' when it wasn't 'his' bill...it's hardly the 'only' piece of legislation he's been involved with...and it never even passed to be considered an 'accomplishment'...throw in the lack of detail of what the plan actually focused on and his specific stance on the details to it...it's all just sad, so so sad.


Matt Z...great fucking post.

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personally, i think her sex and whether she qualifies as a feminist or not should have no part in how qualified she is to assist in leading the country. same way obama's race should have no part in how qualified she is to assist in leading the country.


I completely agree.


the whole discussion is a boondoggle and, IMO, one the mccain camp seems willing to exploit in the face of telling hillary to toughen up and not play the gender card...or obama the race card.


This can almost be a chicken or the egg argument. I find the McCain camp to be responding more to the various things that have been said about Palin. You can argue that's why she was chosen, to be able to play the gender card, but this will only lead to disagreements based on what you would like to believe rather than what are the actual reasons for the Palin choice.


to be fair, i think focusing by those of us in the democratic camp on racial overtones in that sex ed ad takes away from the more legitimate beef that it isn't accurate. he may have voted for it, but billing it as 'his only accomplishment' when it wasn't 'his' bill...it's hardly the 'only' piece of legislation he's been involved with...and it never even passed to be considered an 'accomplishment'...throw in the lack of detail of what the plan actually focused on and his specific stance on the details to it...it's all just sad, so so sad.


I'm not defending it on this ground, but what political ads out there don't take liberties with facts and present them in a negative light (although I think this is your broader point). Of course, that's another discussion about the political process itself, which I think almost everyone on this board dislikes equally.

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are you serious when you make up out of thin air things that other people supposedly suggested? why do you hate america?


I haven't seen the ad but I've read that it appears that all the children in it are white, So some are claiming racial on this one . . . Afterall what is scarrier to white people than an uppity black man talking sex with their children?
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I like how Jules always seems calm. Every Jules post reads like Samual L. Jackson said it to me in his most mellow "Royale with Cheese" mode.


It seems Obama's witty swipe at Palin is earning him some bad press. This is only gonna get weirder and weirder.


What witty swipe? (fixed it for you) If you are referring to the pig/lipstick quote then you are wrong about it being a pett swipe.



I get it. I was just confirming that he did, in fact, vote in favor of the bill.


All senators have reocrds, we can confrim inn fact that McCain has supported the trainwreck known as bush 90+% of the time including but not limited to voting to make torture legal in our country. Voting for the bill was and is the right thing to do. Perverting the mening and intent of the law is the republican way, and they are doing their best to cluoud the truth.


Of course if the republicans had their way children would learn about improper touching at church with father touchy feelie or when the become congressional pages, or try to use an airport bathroom.

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Lost Highway said "witty swipe." Are you just looking for fights now?


Nope, just misreadd the quote. and my statement still stand what witty swipe? If they are referring to the lipstick ona pig quote they are still dead wrong. I know you know it and anyone who has even a modicrum of critical thinking ability knows it.

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kwall quoted:


QUOTE (sweetheart-mine @ Sep 10 2008, 04:47 PM) *

are you serious when you make up out of thin air things that other people supposedly suggested? why do you hate america?



QUOTE (John Smith @ Sep 10 2008, 03:16 PM) *

I haven't seen the ad but I've read that it appears that all the children in it are white, So some are claiming racial on this one . . . Afterall what is scarrier to white people than an uppity black man talking sex with their children?




very good. now, take a look at the names on those two posts. only the top post has my name on it, yet you had asked me if i was seriously suggesting that all ads need to show people of every race in order not to be considered racist -- or some such nonsense. so again: are you serious when you make up out of thin air things that other people supposedly suggested?


you haven't seriously asked me, but i'll tell you anyway: with a few exceptions, i find the constant calls of sexism and racism in this campaign, starting with the primaries, ridiculous, childish, smokescreening, and sidetracking. do i think one side tends to be guilty of it more often than the other? yes. but i don't like it no matter where it comes from. do i think one side tends to be more manipulative and dishonest in its ads? yes. but am i interested in days- or weeks-long fighting about it instead of arguing the issues? no.


not that you asked.

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That "Ask A Black Dude" stuff was funny.



Sorry if someone else posted this - my internet has been down. But - he was also a writer for Richard Pryor, Good Times, Sanford and Son - and other things. You probably knew that.

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What witty swipe? (fixed it for you) If you are referring to the pig/lipstick quote then you are wrong about it being a pett swipe.





All senators have reocrds, we can confrim inn fact that McCain has supported the trainwreck known as bush 90+% of the time including but not limited to voting to make torture legal in our country. Voting for the bill was and is the right thing to do. Perverting the mening and intent of the law is the republican way, and they are doing

Of course if the republicans had their way children would learn about improper touching at church with father touchy feelie or when the become congressional pages, or try to use an airport bathroom.


You heard it here first, folks! All republicans are in favor of hot, priest on young boy loving.


You are a trip, johnny. I've been accused of being combative, but I can't even touch you.

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President Clinton to hit campaign trail for Obama


By NEDRA PICKLER, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 54 minutes ago


NEW YORK - Barack Obama revealed Wednesday that former President Clinton, once the presidential nominee's nemesis, will campaign for him during the weeks leading up to Election Day.


"There's nobody smarter in politics," Obama said on CBS' "Late Show with David Letterman," scheduled to air Wednesday night. "And he is going to be campaigning for us over the next eight weeks, which I'm thrilled by."


The two were scheduled to have lunch Thursday at Clinton's office in New York. Clinton spokesman Matt McKenna said the former president would campaign for Obama at a yet-to-be announced site in Florida on Sept. 29, with plans for more fundraising and events in the works.


Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton already has been hitting the trail for Obama.


During the Democratic presidential primary, the former president acted as his wife's chief defender from Obama's successful challenge to her candidacy, which strained relations between him and Obama. Clinton portrayed Obama as too inexperienced for a presidential run, and Obama said sometimes it was hard to tell which Clinton he was running against.


The two didn't speak for nearly a month after the campaign ended, but their silence ended when Obama called and the former president offered to do whatever he could to help Obama win.


Obama said there are parallels between his campaign against Republican John McCain and Clinton's 1992 race against incumbent GOP President George H.W. Bush. He said both came during tough economic times.


"He was young and people were still trying to figure out whether or not the guy was up to the job," Obama said of Clinton. "And so I think having him talk about why we need to change the economy in a fundamental way so it works for middle-class families so that they can get ahead, so that they can send their kids to college, I think he'd be a great advocate to have on behalf of the campaign."


Letterman asked Obama if he would consider Bill Clinton for a Cabinet position if he wins.


"I think if you are a former president, you don't take Cabinet positions," Obama said to laughter from the audience. "I think it's sort of been there, done that. It's sort of like getting Mickey Mantle to play AAA. You don't do it. But obviously you consult with him as often as you can, because, look, there are only a handful of people who have actually done the job."

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It's not so simple. Obama is stuck in a tough catch-22. Attacking allows the other side to paint him as the "politician for 'change' that is playing the same old attack game." So much of who he is now was defined by how he ran his primary campaign -- staying above the fray, staying on message, insisting that issues matter, being a different kind of politician, etc. Going on the attack now (i.e., telling the country that McCain/Palin are liars) could backfire. He could be portrayed as the guy who didnt stick to his own game, or the guy who attacked a war hero, or the guy who attacked a woman. And, I hate to say it, but I wouldnt be surprised if he is worried that going on the attack allows him to be portrayed as the "angry black guy." It's sad that we are still at that point, but I think it's naive to think that that doesn't play into the calculation. Obama is really boxed in right now. I have to tip my cap to the Republicans. I think McCain is running a shameful campaign. A shameful campaign that is flat out brilliant if you want to win and don't care how you get there. The question is, can Obama get down in the dirt with them? We just don't know because I'd bet Obama himself doesn't know. He is smart enough to figure this out. I have faith in him.

Isn't this why he picked Biden? To be *his* pitbull, sans lipstick?


Though Bill can do the same thing. And do it with a smile. Good to see him throwing in with Obama.

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