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It's time for a New Election Thread

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Heh. Palin was selected as veep for one reason--it pisses off the left. That's it. Nobody has any delusions about her qualifications. The people with the Palin signs up mostly want to see her win because liberals will disembowel themselves in disgust (figuratively, I hope). I honestly think the GOP only put her there because they can. Because they can do something this ridiculous and have a half-decent shot of getting away with it. For everybody who has bemoaned 8 years of Bush and thought the end was in sight--here comes a giant Alaska sized middle finger for ya.

Bingo! Definitely a case of "we'll do whatever we goddamn please and if you don't like it, move out all you unpatriotic sunsabitches!"


I really hope Obama wins this thing and when the Right starts moaning and whining we can just say "go somewhere else, you unpatriotic sunsabitches!" :lol

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I did some canvassing this morning, which was an adventure since I live in one of the most conservative counties in Wisconsin. At the very first door, a woman told me that she would pray for me, and hoped that I would investigate the facts and come to realize that Obama lies about everything. Plus, she's worried about his safety should he be elected.

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Heh. Palin was selected as veep for one reason--it pisses off the left. That's it. Nobody has any delusions about her qualifications. The people with the Palin signs up mostly want to see her win because liberals will disembowel themselves in disgust (figuratively, I hope). I honestly think the GOP only put her there because they can. Because they can do something this ridiculous and have a half-decent shot of getting away with it. For everybody who has bemoaned 8 years of Bush and thought the end was in sight--here comes a giant Alaska sized middle finger for ya.


It might not work. There's a good chance this ticket could fail because of her. But if it doesn't...if they somehow win, the howling from the left will only be matched in intensity by the laughter on the right.



I have Caribou Barbie on ignore.




100K attend Obama rally in St. Louis

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So Fox News and their entorage have confirmed that liberals are in fact, anti-American. Obama and Biden are our leaders. One idiot called for an extensive expose' that will show the world where these freaks hide in government. :monkey :monkey :monkey :monkey :monkey :monkey :monkey :monkey :monkey



I work for the government. There, I've outted myself so I won't have to be exposed. :pirate

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I did some canvassing this morning, which was an adventure since I live in one of the most conservative counties in Wisconsin. At the very first door, a woman told me that she would pray for me, and hoped that I would investigate the facts and come to realize that Obama lies about everything. Plus, she's worried about his safety should he be elected.


I canvassed today in Manchster, NH and while most of the interactions were positive for Obama, one young man told me that Obama was born and raised "over there, with the terrorists" and that Obama's "best friend was a terrorist who helped blow up the World Trade towers." I said "Obama was born and raised in Hawaii. Thank you for your time."

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I found and destroyed some OBAMA IS A MUSLIM posters at the laundromat this morning. I don't think the old ladies who happened to be there liked that very much - but, too bad.

go on with your bad self


From Fivethiryeight.com:


"So a canvasser goes to a woman's door in Washington, Pennsylvania. Knocks. Woman answers. Knocker asks who she's planning to vote for. She isn't sure, has to ask her husband who she's voting for. Husband is off in another room watching some game. Canvasser hears him yell back, "We're votin' for the n***er!"


Woman turns back to canvasser, and says brightly and matter of factly: "We're voting for the n***er." "

this is actually kind of funny

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It's funny how things come around again - Nixon, McCarthyism, The Vietnam War, War protesters, etc.


Michelle Bachmann gives voice to the right's darkest impulses


Chris Matthews just gave Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Outer Wingnuttia, all the rope she wanted yesterday on Hardball, and boy did she make a handy little noose with it.


First Matthews tried to get Bachmann to tell his audience, per Sarah Palin's homage to "pro-American places," what parts of America are anti-American. She danced around the question and kept harking on the talking points programmed into her playback. So then he tried another tack:


Matthews: How many Congresspeople, members of Congress are in that anti-American crowd you describe?


Bachmann: [Deer in the headlights]


Matthews: How many Congresspeople you serve with -- I mean, there's 435 members of Congress --


Bachmann: -- well right now --


Matthews: -- how many are anti-American in that Congress right now that you serve with?


Bachmann: You'd have to ask them, Chris, I'm focusing on Barack Obama and the people he's been associated with --


Matthews: But do you suspect that a lot of the people you serve with --


Bachmann: -- and I'm very worried about their anti-American nature.


Matthews: Well, he's the United States Senator from Illinois, he's one of the people you suspect as being anti-American. How many people in the Congress of the United States do you think are anti-American? You've already suspected Barack Obama. Is he alone, or are there others?


Bachmann: [Deer in the headlights]


Matthews: How many do you suspect of your colleagues do you suspect of being anti-American?


Bachmann: I would say, what I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look -- I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America or anti-America? I think the people would love to see an expose like that.

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bachmann was unbelievable. at first i wondered why matthews looked so strange . . . i didn't realize he was being brilliant until bachmann couldn't hold back her big wish any longer. she's a palin in the congress. who knew?

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Sadly, she likely doesn't realize what "anti-American" really means. Plus, she is dissing my alma mater and several Chicagoans, including a local Catholic priest, Father Pfleger. Pfleger is a white priest who has worked tirelessly and selflessly for at least a decade on CHicago's South side with many poor people. Kinda like Mother Theresa.

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