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It's time for a New Election Thread

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ugh, I've almost become ok with the idea of an obama presidency (not enough to vote for him), but I might have to avoid this place on the day after the election. The tearful 'I've never been more proud to be an American' posts are going to become embarrassing by 10 am on the 6th....

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ugh, I've almost become ok with the idea of an obama presidency (not enough to vote for him), but I might have to avoid this place on the day after the election. The tearful 'I've never been more proud to be an American' posts are going to become embarrassing by 10 am on the 6th....

Avoid VC? Oh, please don't do that.

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And my Plain Dealer doesn't pull another Hamlet this time.



ugh, I've almost become ok with the idea of an obama presidency (not enough to vote for him), but I might have to avoid this place on the day after the election. The tearful 'I've never been more proud to be an American' posts are going to become embarrassing by 10 am on the 6th....

Maybe Kyle will shut the board down that day for "routine maintenance". :lol

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ugh, I've almost become ok with the idea of an obama presidency (not enough to vote for him), but I might have to avoid this place on the day after the election. The tearful 'I've never been more proud to be an American' posts are going to become embarrassing by 10 am on the 6th....

I haven't been paying attention. Who are you backing and why?

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ugh, I've almost become ok with the idea of an obama presidency (not enough to vote for him), but I might have to avoid this place on the day after the election. The tearful 'I've never been more proud to be an American' posts are going to become embarrassing by 10 am on the 6th....

Jesus Christ, dude. Give it a rest. If people here wanting Obama to win bothers you that much, just don't click on the election thread.

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I haven't been paying attention. Who are you backing and why?


He doesn't support anybody. No candidate is better than any other. All are equally qualified and equally unqualified, equally virtuous and equally sleazy. No matter what your perspective is, you are deluded. Obama is just as bad as Bush and Bush is just as great as Lincoln. Anyone who is inspired by a candidate is stupid and delusional and anyone who is turned off by a candidate is hateful and lacking perspective.


You know I love you bobbob, but you're easily as fanatical and close-minded about your viewpoint as anyone else here. Fundamentalist centrism is still fundamentalism.

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He doesn't support anybody. No candidate is better than any other. All are equally qualified and equally unqualified, equally virtuous and equally sleazy. No matter what your perspective is, you are deluded. Obama is just as bad as Bush and Bush is just as great as Lincoln. Anyone who is inspired by a candidate is stupid and delusional and anyone who is turned off by a candidate is hateful and lacking perspective.


You know I love you bobbob, but you're easily as fanatical and close-minded about your viewpoint as anyone else here. Fundamentalist centrism is still fundamentalism.



Are you for real?

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What do you mean? I was summing up my understanding of bobbob's position, if that wasn't clear.


and you did a good job of it. i've been trying to figure it out for months. i think you got it.

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I could care less who wins..this is all an act.




I was at the Riviera last December for an Obama fundraiser (ostensibly just to see 4 of 6 of the Wilcos) when I became an Obama convert. I went to see a concert and walked out with a different idea of how our political representatives could be.

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and you did a good job of it. i've been trying to figure it out for months. i think you got it.

Sounded pretty spot on to me. And I do love b2 as well.

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I was at the Riviera last December for an Obama fundraiser (ostensibly just to see 4 of 6 of the Wilcos) when I became an Obama convert. I went to see a concert and walked out with a different idea of how our political representatives could be.


Wow...Wilco & Obama :worship




Smart Republicans caught here

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i'd love to have been there -- i'm envious up here in the corner! how was the speech? do you have more pics?

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He doesn't support anybody. No candidate is better than any other. All are equally qualified and equally unqualified, equally virtuous and equally sleazy. No matter what your perspective is, you are deluded. Obama is just as bad as Bush and Bush is just as great as Lincoln. Anyone who is inspired by a candidate is stupid and delusional and anyone who is turned off by a candidate is hateful and lacking perspective.


You know I love you bobbob, but you're easily as fanatical and close-minded about your viewpoint as anyone else here. Fundamentalist centrism is still fundamentalism.


Well, it's more that I just don't see a huge difference between the two parties at this point. They both blame the other for stuff that is both everybody's and nobody's fault (see: current economic climate, which is partly everyone's fault because everyone turned a blind eye when things were good, and partly nobody's fault because the economy naturally has to go through ups and downs, it's just that people lose their shit when things inevitably go down). Both parties (maybe not both candidates, but both parties) are just as beholden to corporate and special interests, and both are more concerned with perpetuating their hold on power than they are with actually serving the people they represent.


Who do I support for President? Nobody, I guess. I prefer Obama to McCain, but I can't vote for him because of what I said above.


Also, I don't really fall in line with any party's platforms. On most issues, I'm simply not sure how I feel. Most of them are confusing, so you can't draw a line down one half and say "this side is right and this one is wrong", and so the certainty that many people feel about so many issues kind of bothers me. I've been called a "coward" for this kind of thinking, but I'm ok with that. I feel on most things you have to go on a case by case basis.


I really wish I could get excited about a candidate for president on a national scale, but you have to dilute yourself so much to get to where these guys are that you aren't a person anymore. You become a charicature: The Grizzled, Experienced War Vet (or Crazy Old Guy), vs the Beacon for Hope for the Future (or inexperienced muslim dude). When you become a player on the national level, you cease to be a person, and become whatever your party/the media deem you to be.


I might not express myself very well at times (I get flustered on the internets and lose my cool), but I don't think that's an entirely accurate representation of my opinion. I do think there is much ado about not so much with Obama, but I think it's pretty understandable. A lot of people are just plain scared about the future, and he looks different, and he speaks really well, and he's reassuring, so it's very easy to get caught up in it. But I don't think he's worth all of the hoopla. I've gotten caught up in it. At times, it's hard not to. But I don't think he's all that much better than most other candidates. And I don't think McCain earns a lot of the demonization he gets here.


Don't worry, I defend Obama on a Conservative board that I'm on. I don't support any candidate, I just can't stand knee jerk reactions. Obama isn't a terrorist or a socialist, and McCain isn't a mindless war mongerer.


I'm not sure if this makes any sense. Whatever.

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bobbob, i certainly can understand some of the confusion you express. but when you say this -- "I just can't stand knee jerk reactions" -- you are discounting years of thought and experience that lie behind the views of many people on this board. i have to wonder if you absorb only those posts that speak to your skepticism. i won't say anything more on behalf of the numerous people here who have expressed their thoughts eloquently in some of their posts and offered good readings over the long months of these election campaigns, but i will say this for myself: as an adult i've seen two long, mistaken, and disastrous wars waged by our country; the ups and downs of the administrations of seven presidents, both republican and democrat; and, in the past eight years, the destruction by the current administration of many of the principles i grew up believing this country stood for. there is nothing knee-jerk whatsoever in my opinions of the current candidates and the hopes and fears that helped form those opinions over the years.

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So true. Remember thinking Nixon/Watergate had to be the low point in American political history? After enduring these years of Bush's imperial presidency and the shredding of the Constitution, even I look at Nixon's misdeeds as almost quaint.


and now to the issue we should all be most concerned about .... voter suppression. From RFK's current article in Rolling Stone.


"I don't think the Democrats get it," says John Boyd, a voting-rights attorney in Albuquerque who has taken on the Republican Party for impeding access to the ballot. "All these new rules and games are turning voting into an obstacle course that could flip the vote to the GOP in half a dozen states."


Suppressing the vote has long been a cornerstone of the GOP's electoral strategy. Shortly before the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980, Paul Weyrich

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ugh, I've almost become ok with the idea of an obama presidency (not enough to vote for him), but I might have to avoid this place on the day after the election. The tearful 'I've never been more proud to be an American' posts are going to become embarrassing by 10 am on the 6th....

Whatever my man.....there is no real reason to come here...


I haven't been paying attention. Who are you backing and why?
No one.....



Are you for real?
Yea, he is....


This sucker is over over over......


Those of us who ARE voting for Obama (and giving money and/or time) can look back with pride that we elected this person at this time and place. Those who are saying there is no difference (which is frankly a major cop out since everyone knows there IS a major difference between these guys in temperment and intent if not in every policy), can certainly sit this one out and let the rest of us make a decision for them. Electing Obama IS going to change things in ways we can't even anticipate at this point. First off the USA's prestige in the world has to go up as a result of dumping anyone like George W Bush. (McCain bragged he voted with Bush 90% of the time....speaking of knee jerk....)


Frankly any discussion about what the benefits are of electing Obama or not is over. The guy is going to win if we just all get out there and vote for the candidate of our choice (of the two major ones in my humble opinion, the rest is just pissing in the wind...), because people want a change and Obama is it.


Remember for those wanting Obama, play all your Wilco albums the night of the election..for those of you don't vote for him, play Radiohead instead.... :lol


(edit....where is Uncle Wilco this year?? I wonder who he is voting for....??)



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Head Of CA GOP Voter Registration Outfit Arrested

Monday, 20 October 2008, 1:23 pm


Last night the head of that GOP backed group, Mark Anthony Jacoby of Young Political Majors (YPM), was arrested by the California State Election Fraud Taskforce and Oxnard CA Police.


According to CA SOS Debra Bowen's press release, Jacoby himself had committed voter registration fraud.



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Pat Buchanan:




As Americans render what Catholics call temporal judgment on George Bush, are they aware of the radical course correction they are about to make?


This center-right country is about to vastly strengthen a liberal Congress whose approval rating is 10 percent and implant in Washington a regime further to the left than any in U.S. history. Consider.


As of today, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco Democrat, anticipates gains of 15-30 seats. Sen. Harry Reid, whose partisanship grates even on many in his own party, may see his caucus expand to a filibuster-proof majority where he can ignore Republican dissent.


Headed for the White House is the most left-wing member of the Senate, according to the National Journal. To the vice president

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