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Do People in Your Area know Wilco?

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I have been/lived all over the north east US the past 3 years, Erie PA, State College PA (Penn State), Lowell MA, Boston MA, New London CT, Oswego NY, and now Rochester NY, and have found no more than 10 people who know of Wilco. Some of the people don't know or listen to anything that isn't played on MTV, but I can't see how that many people don't know of a band as great as Wilco, especially a band that has been on so many popular talk shows, has two documentaries that are played on TV multiple times a year, and is talked about in every other issue of Rolling Stone.


I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen this where they are from or is it just around here. I'm kind of curious, as this may be the reason Wilco hasn't played around here before (finally i wont have to drive 6 hours to see them)

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In the past 8 years that I've known them, I have only run into 3 people who knew of them before I did. One just happens to my best friend's now husband. He actually even knew and was VERY into Uncle Tupelo. I will say also tho all three of these guys were musicians (oh AND named James or some version of...weird, I think ;))


I have seen the guys 5 times in the past year and a half, three shows which were in state. So lately it hasn't been so difficult to see them locally but I TOTALLY hear where you're coming from.

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I work with a guy who has read about Wilco (in Rolling Stone, no doubt), but has never heard them.

My husband's best friend told me last week, "that band you like, I forget what they're called, is opening for Neil Young in 2 weeks" (I've had tickets for over a month).

I NEVER hear them out & about, not at Starbucks, grocery stores, nor restaurants...


Worse than no body knowing who they are, is trying to share them with someone you love & they don't get it.

My husband actually dislikes Wilco... but I married him anyway.

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I have been/lived all over the north east US the past 3 years, Erie PA, State College PA (Penn State), Lowell MA, Boston MA, New London CT, Oswego NY, and now Rochester NY, and have found no more than 10 people who know of Wilco. Some of the people don't know or listen to anything that isn't played on MTV, but I can't see how that many people don't know of a band as great as Wilco, especially a band that has been on so many popular talk shows, has two documentaries that are played on TV multiple times a year, and is talked about in every other issue of Rolling Stone.


I'm just wondering if anyone else has seen this where they are from or is it just around here. I'm kind of curious, as this may be the reason Wilco hasn't played around here before (finally i wont have to drive 6 hours to see them)

Wilco played Movin on in State College the year after I left Penn State :hmm supposedly it had a huge turnout. I figured Penn Staters would know Wilco. In general though if I didn't introduce Wilco to my friends no one would know who they are!

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Strangely not even that many people in Chicago know about them, at least non-music type people. I was with someone yesterday (way younger than me) who said she had not yet investigated their music. But obviously MORE people know about them here than other places.



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i actually saw a guy in a wilco shirt at my friend's house the other night, i said "nice shirt" dude mumbled and went into his room, then the other week a church a guy pulled in the parking lot, his music was loud and it was "War On War"!


they're on the college radio station quite a bit. I did see a VW bug with a Wilco sticker on it this summer


i think if they ever played the Tivoli or Memorial Aud in Chattanooga it would sell out, especially cos Nashville and Atlanta are 2 hrs away... *wishful thinking*

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I live in CT and only know a few folks who have heard of Wilco and even fewer who like them. We have local friends who like them alot and go to concerts with us, but he is Concert Talker, so that kills my buzz.


I have avid music fan friends who I grew up with who have only heard of Wilco through me. I think it is safe to say that my husband would not have heard of them if not for me, but he found the magic listening on his ipod on a plane. In fact, he wrote me a long loving email about it.


Strangely though, when I go to concerts nearby, which I have been lucky enough to do, the venue is filled with people who all seem as though they would be lovely people to be friends with. I just don't know any of them personally.


So needless to say, when I travel to the west coast or to Ireland to see them, my friends worry about me a little.

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I have been preaching the gospel of Wilco since '97, and have introduced everyone I know to them. Most have become fans. It is fun when you run into random people who are fans of the band. I had a little shindig at my house a few weeks ago, I played Kamera, and this girl just started singing along. It was cool. My reaction was "Holy shit, you know Wilco???", haha.

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It is not really that strange that people don't know who Wilco is. As mentioned on the CKLW thread, there was a time records were played on the radio so people knew music by listening to the radio. Since Wilco is not played on stations that play to the masses, the masses don't know about Wilco.



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There were a few people in my high school years that knew of Wilco, but the vast majority of people I knew were introduced to them by me. Now that I'm not living at home, I've been running into people from back home who are more steadfast fans than I am! It's funny how that works.


I think that a reasonably good number of people in Milwaukee know of Wilco...shows are pretty well attended [surprisingly good turnout for Autumn Defense, etc.]. I heard 'Secrets of the Sea' at Noodles & Co. the other day, and when I mentioned to my friend who did that song, I think she had kind of an epiphany of sorts in the Wilco department. ["Oh, that's who they are!"]

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Well you can add a forth to your list, my name is also James and I'm a musician as well.



Are you from the same part of the US as me?

I'm in Massachusetts.

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"that band you like, I forget what they're called, is opening for Neil Young in 2 weeks"

Been hearing that A LOT lately too especially since they're opening for him right in my own town.


Worse than no body knowing who they are, is trying to share them with someone you love & they don't get it.

Yea, that's always difficult. An ex-b/f (from Chicago) got me started on them in the first place.

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When I freak out when I hear them in the grocery store or in a movie or TV show, people are generally confused and a little concerned.



More for me!

That's what I say too.

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on casual day at the company i used to work for, i saw a guy wearing a Wilco t-shirt, at a Tweedy solo show, i found my distant cousin sitting directly behind me (hadn't talked to him in years)...and there is at least one other Richmonder on the board here...


was in Baltimore earlier this year and someone commented on my Wilco shirt.


that's about it.

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I'm not sure why but people in Detroit seem to know them well. When the tickets went up for Neil Young most of the people I talked to or heard talking (work, record store, local dive) were more excited about Wilco.

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My neighbor has worked on Tweedy and Stirrat's houses. True story.


I can see Bill Gates' house from mine (true story). It's a couple miles away across the lake, but during the holidays, he has nice white lights that highlight the place, which usually is very hard to spot.


What does that have to do with this thread? I'll bet Bill Gates knows who Wilco is. I'm glad Obama does. But here in a bit of a music town, it still amazes me how many people have never heard of them. We, the clued in, should consider ourselves lucky. (and thankful, on our best national holiday eve!)

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