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MLB 2008-09 Hot Stove II

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So, she's a journalist who was doing a piece on A-Rod and went to verify some rumors that turned out to be facts. I have no idea if she and her cohort got hold of the entire list but certainly A-Rod, the person she was reporting on, is a big scoop.


Let's shoot the messenger, now?


How was I in any way suggesting to shoot the messenger? The question came up as to why A-Rod's name is the only one that was released from the list. I proposed an answer to the question. Just because A-Rod is guilty doesn't make the reporter's motives any more pure. The reporter's motivation and A-Rod's guilt are completely unrelated.

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This I do not get. He bald-faced lied when asked if he used PEDs/steroids. Got caught in the lie. And only then, came "clean." How does that take balls? It's the Pete Rose defense and it holds no water in my eyes.


On the ESPN interview he did a soft-shoe. His claim is that in 04 when he tested positive that he was told that there were 104 names on a list who tested positive and that he may or may not have been on the list. So in his mind since no one positively affirmed that he was tested positive, then he was telling the truth when asked the question. If the interview in question is with ms Couric then to my knowledge he was not asked if he used PED

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I know this is supposed to be sarcastic, but I can't tell what the hell it's supposed to mean.


a rod is an asshole who lacks any sincerity or respect for the game.


his interview underscored that.

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"For the record, have you ever used steroids, human growth hormone or any other performance-enhancing substance?" Couric asked.


"No," Rodriguez replied.


Asked if he had ever been tempted to use any of those things, Rodriguez told Couric, "No."


"You never felt like, 'This guy's doing it, maybe I should look into this, too? He's getting better numbers, playing better ball,'" Couric asked.


"I've never felt overmatched on the baseball field. I've always been a very strong, dominant position. And I felt that if I did my work as I've done since I was, you know, a rookie back in Seattle, I didn't have a problem competing at any level. So, no," he replied.


But the Mitchell Report named names, including at least 16 current and former Yankees, like superstars Andy Pettitte and Roger Clemens.


What's Rodriguez's reaction to this investigation?


"Katie, you're putting me in a tough spot. I mean, these are guys that I play with. They're my teammates. If anything comes of this, I will be extremely disappointed. And it will be a huge black eye on the game of baseball," he told Couric.


"It sounds like this is rampant. According to the Mitchell Report, every single club has a player using banned substances. Did you ever witness or hear about or even suspect this was going on?" Couric asked.


"You hear a lot of things. I mean, I came in 1993. And you heard whispers from the '80s and '90s. But I never saw anything. I never had raw evidence. And, quite frankly, I was probably a little bit too na

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I am curious how it is that of the 104 players we're only hearing about AROD.

Because he has enemies in high places.

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Funny, you seem to be ignoring the fact that Alex Rodriguez has admitted to using steroids.



Yeah, cause in my original post I talked about A-Rod.


It was a general comment on how this how debate really sucks. Especially since now one of the supposed "cleanest guys" in all of baseball was a cheat like the rest of them. Now every single player is under suspicion. Hell if A-Rod did it, why not Pujlos, Jeff Kent, of Nefi Perez? Unfortunately that is what has happened. Players will say they didn't do it until they get caught and then say sorry. I am not saying Puljos did so steroids, but we don't know do we. The culture that the steroid era has brought is everyone is a drug using cheat, and that is just plain sad.


As a sport baseball needs to move past this and the A-Rod thing does nothing but fan the flames of this more. I really want spring training, hell even the World baseball classic to start so we can talk about something that is at least a bit more fun.

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