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Wow, there is a name I have not heard in a long time! My roommate had one of their records in college and I can remember the album cover but I can't remember any of the songs or if I liked it.


Does that help?

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Wow, there is a name I have not heard in a long time! My roommate had one of their records in college and I can remember the album cover but I can't remember any of the songs or if I liked it.


Does that help?


Pretty much clears everything up, thanks.


I'm only asking because I have friends going and they asked. Maybe I'll grab some and see what they sound like.

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Yeah the bassist was a girl. I liked that song too...one of my faves from the 90's.


Well, maybe in my top 30, if I really had to think about it.

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Girl is no longer in the band. Lots of meatheads here in Dallas still love them, though... Once upon a time "Tyler" was quite popular at my local roller rink.

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I love love love love love the Toadies. The two albums they made the first time around, Rubberneck and Hell Below/Stars Above are genuine post-grunge classics. Fantastic albums. The one they did last year was so-so. I've seen them live 3 times -- opening for RHCP in about '97 or so, headlining a club in '01, and at Lollapalooza last year, and all three kicked my ass.


Better when Lisa was in the band than they are now, but still well worth seeing. Great yelly vocals, amazing guitar playing, pretty cool vibe to everything they do. Go see them.

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Home town heroes and I love em. They have 3 full length albums and one EP with the original lineup. The original bassit, Lisa, is no longer with the band (and her participation is pretty controversial). They are hands down, absolutely worth going to see. Friggin great.

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I liked Possum Kingdom. Wasn't there a girl in this band?


Like most people, this is the only song I really know by them. Our band used to do this one and people seemed to like it. I have never heard anything else by them so good to know they are worth checking out.

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They sound absolutely nothing like Nirvana, terrible comparison.


The comparison I hear most is that they're Pixies ripoffs, which I can sometimes hear, but it really only comes from the similarities between Tyler and Where Is My Mind?


If anyone has only heard Possum Kingdom, but enjoyed it, I highly recommend aquiring a copy of Rubberneck.

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Most definitely worth checking out...Todd Vaden Lewis is a hellacious vocalist. Great heavy guitars


These guys experienced the Record Label sodomy routine...had their second album shelved and were never able to regain their momentum.


Possum Kingdom led to one of the more surreal moments I have experienced...seeing an 'exotic' dancer do her thing to a song about a serial killer. Not erotic at all, just really eerie. A buddy of mine called her over for a lap dance and he asked her why she spotlighted to PK.


"It's got a really good beat and I can groove to it"


"Have you listened to the lyrics"


"Not really"


"It's about a Serial Killer"


"Oh. But it's got a really good beat"


You could hear the monky banging cymbals...

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I most respectfully disagree. This is akin to saying Uncle Tupelo are ripping off The Long Riders and Rank and File.

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It's a stretch to say they sound nothing like Nirvana. They were an obvious influence. But also a huge stretch to call them a Nirvana rip-off. They share a lot of influences (namely the Pixies) and that results in some similarities between them.

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Sure, they have some distorted guitars, though they did/do not depend on distortion to nearly the extent that Nirvana did. That's pretty much where the similarities end, as far as I can tell. The Toadies' songs are a bit more tuneful, straight ahead rock songs than Nirvana's, and Todd Phillips's voice doesn't really sound anything like Kurt Cobain's. So they have a little bit of a soft/loud/soft thing going on - they likely got that from the Pixies, as has been said. Many of the songs on Rubberneck (which is likely where the misguided comparison comes from) were written before Nevermind was released, and I don't hear anything on Bleach that reminds me of the Toadies.


My point in posting those videos above with the tags I did is to point out that the Toadies sound as much like Nirvana as they sound like Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, the Smashing Pumpkins, or any other guitar-based band from that era.

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Sure, they have some distorted guitars, though they did/do not depend on distortion to nearly the extent that Nirvana did. That's pretty much where the similarities end, as far as I can tell. The Toadies' songs are a bit more tuneful, straight ahead rock songs than Nirvana's, and Todd Phillips's voice doesn't really sound anything like Kurt Cobain's. So they have a little bit of a soft/loud/soft thing going on - they likely got that from the Pixies, as has been said. Many of the songs on Rubberneck (which is likely where the misguided comparison comes from) were written before Nevermind was released, and I don't hear anything on Bleach that reminds me of the Toadies.


My point in posting those videos above with the tags I did is to point out that the Toadies sound as much like Nirvana as they sound like Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, the Smashing Pumpkins, or any other guitar-based band from that era.



Really? Tuneful? I don't see them as that melodically strong quite frankly.


"Tyler" sounds nothing like Pearl Jam. It sounds like The Pixies I suppose. Really none of those songs like any of the bands you compared them to. I suppose the Nirvana thing was a bit of a rash statement but I'm not entirely sure the Toadies deserve a much closer look. (Sorry, I used to really hate the Toadies on the radio when I was a kid.)

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