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Should Wilco call it quits?

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I wonder how many threads are infected w/ 'SBS is subpar, blah, blah'? Not my opinion. To me each album has its time and place and sometimes I listen to one more than the othter so I quit ranking them.


And, most importantly, if Wilco quit, how long would VC last? 1 year, 2? Think of it. What would you all with 5,000+ posts do to fill the void? Facebook? Another band? Perhaps we all need to think about contingency plans for a VC-less world?

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Even if I bought the premise that their music peaked with YHF and has been declining ever since (I don't), why would that mean they should call it quits? How many artists can you point to and say their most recent album is their greatest work, and that their music has done nothing but get better with each release - especially bands like Wilco who have altered their sound so much over the years?


This band should stay together as long as it fulfills their creative (and economic) neeeds. Whether they make music that you want to keep buying - that's something for you/us to worry about, not them.

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Many of the most highly regarded acts discussed on this website haven't put out anything but absolute garbage in years or even decades (some of whom have their own very lengthy threads), yet nobody is calling for them to quit.

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And, most importantly, if Wilco quit, how long would VC last? 1 year, 2? Think of it. What would you all with 5,000+ posts do to fill the void? Facebook? Another band? Perhaps we all need to think about contingency plans for a VC-less world?

Would this be the new world order that PANTHER keeps going on about?

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And, most importantly, if Wilco quit, how long would VC last? 1 year, 2? Think of it. What would you all with 5,000+ posts do to fill the void? Facebook? Another band? Perhaps we all need to think about contingency plans for a VC-less world?

trust me, forums following "dead" bands still survive. how do you think I heard about Tweedy/Wilco in the first place?

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trust me, forums following "dead" bands still survive. how do you think I heard about Tweedy/Wilco in the first place?


The 'dead' thing will last forever. Wilco has what 0.063 the fan base of the dead? Will 50 fervent VCers keep the board going if the Wilco isn't there? We need to start planning for this since Wilco doesn't know how to make albums anymore. :punch


p.s. first time I've ever used those stoopid smiley things and I fear the learning curve.

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The 'dead' thing will last forever. Wilco has what 0.063 the fan base of the dead?

sorry - meant "dead" bands as in no longer together, not "The Dead"...


was referring to the 'mats actually. and Wilco has easily 100x the following that they ever had.

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Before you all impale me, hear me out:


1. The general consensus is that AGIB is not quite as good as YHF, and SBS is not quite as good as AGIB. (personally I agree)


2. Not everything can be a masterpiece (as is YHF) and AGIB is still a very good record. SBS is a good record taken on its own account BUT it does represent a 3-record-long downward trend.


3. As far as the new record is concerned there are several possibilities: a. the trend continues with something not as good as SBS b. something about equal to SBS c. something better than SBS but not another masterpiece, or d. another masterpiece.


I would suggest that if the new album is indeed choice "a." Wilco should break up before ruining their legacy completely. If it is "b." the same would probably hold true. If it is "d." then they should break up because it's better, as the old cliche goes, to quit while you're ahead. Leaving "c." which is in my humble opinion the only way they can continue without losing...well, something. My interest at least.


I just think that they've made a damn a good run of it thus far and would hate to see my favorite band slip into mediocrity. It would cheapen their legacy.


why do you hate volkswagen?

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Shouldn't we wait to see if the new album does indeed suck before we dig a grave for Wilco? I like what I've heard so far.


While I think SBS is their weakest release so far, it is a very good album and certainly not a sign that they should pack it in. I can't see Wilco ever getting to the "Ebony and Ivory" or "Kokomo" stage, to quote an earlier post, even if they don't release albums as good as Summerteeth or YHF ever again.


Jeff Tweedy will be making music until he's got one foot in the grave, and I imagine Wilco will be his outlet for quite some time. If things start to stagnate, he's proven that he's more than willing to shake up the lineup.

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Seems to me we are simply witnessing a maturing band leader in less turmoil, and he is taking us along for the ride.



I, for instance, think U2 should have stopped making music nearly two decades ago as their albums have been a steady decline to the aural crap we hear now. Did they stop? Nope. Should they stop? Only if they want to. As mentioned before, this is all subjectivity.


Bottom line, it's not up to you anyways.


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Wilco should call it quits only when every single person stops listening to Wilco, i.e. never.


This is a humorous thread.



Agree fully.


Bands are allowed to make not so great records. Wilco will be around for a very long time. Jeff Tweedy's talent is not just going to evaporate. C'mon people.

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Before you all impale me, hear me out:


1. The general consensus is that AGIB is not quite as good as YHF, and SBS is not quite as good as AGIB. (personally I agree)


2. Not everything can be a masterpiece (as is YHF) and AGIB is still a very good record. SBS is a good record taken on its own account BUT it does represent a 3-record-long downward trend.


3. As far as the new record is concerned there are several possibilities: a. the trend continues with something not as good as SBS b. something about equal to SBS c. something better than SBS but not another masterpiece, or d. another masterpiece.


I would suggest that if the new album is indeed choice "a." Wilco should break up before ruining their legacy completely. If it is "b." the same would probably hold true. If it is "d." then they should break up because it's better, as the old cliche goes, to quit while you're ahead. Leaving "c." which is in my humble opinion the only way they can continue without losing...well, something. My interest at least.


I just think that they've made a damn a good run of it thus far and would hate to see my favorite band slip into mediocrity. It would cheapen their legacy.




Your dumb, Jeff Tweedy is a true artist if he retired from music and just wrote poetry I would be intrested. AGIB in my opinion is alot better than YHF and YHF is a masterpiece and so is Summerteeth , and while SBS was not their most cultrally enjoyable record as an ART piece I found it to be a improvment on AGIB i found YOU ARE MY FACE to be one of the best Wilco songs of the last five years. Even if Wilco broke up which I only could see if Glen and John were out of the picture Tweedy would probably do somethings else and I would listen. You must have a hero complex with Wilco, I llok at them more as artists....... Cant wait for the next 5 records.







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