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That's disgusting.


We're not talking about filet, ribeye or strip... Cook that shit, yo!


Edit - they both ordered Medium-WELL, jakob!



If I know a place grinds their own meat, I'll order my burger medium rare. Medium well is disgusting no matter what.

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Are you serious? He knows the word dijon, therefore he is not like a regular guy? If that's the case, I never want to have anything to do with "regular" people ever again.



Oh, here we all go again.


Of course, regular guys know the word "dijon". Don't be stupid.


Obama and Biden clearly make an orchestrated attempt to show Americans that, like many of us, they go out to get burgers for lunch. And it all looks great. Then Obama asks if they have mustard. Still cool. I'm good with that. Then he has to specify the "dijon". Dammit Obama. You came SO close to the perfect photo op. But you're still OK, Barack. That's just a minor slip. We're good. Now just finish the order and go sit down and eat. This will play good to Joe Six Pack out there. Then Obama asks that his burger be medium-well. Well, crap! Most of us just order the freaking burger, Obama. Trust that the hard-working folks behind the counter know what they're doing.



I'll stand by my comment that many times he looks like an actor stumbling through his scenes.



(And I'll add that none of this means a shit in regards to how his Presidency will affect America or the world....but in our TV, image driven world, this is what happens.)

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I like dijon mustard.


And when did being "regular" become good and "elitist" bad? It's the god damn president. I don't want him to be regular. This is not American Idol, folks.

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Then Obama asks that his burger be medium-well. Well, crap! Most of us just order the freaking burger, Obama. Trust that the hard-working folks behind the counter know what they're doing.

The good places ask you how you want it done.


So, your problem isn't the temp he ordered it (because any Goodfellas fan knows that anyone who orders their meat medium rare is an aristocrat), but that he specified a temp at all? So you're hating on a guy who knows how he wants his burger done and exercises his freedom of choice? Are you American?

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Obama and Biden clearly make an orchestrated attempt to show Americans that, like many of us, they go out to get burgers for lunch. And it all looks great. Then Obama asks if they have mustard. Still cool. I'm good with that. Then he has to specify the "dijon". Dammit Obama. You came SO close to the perfect photo op. But you're still OK, Barack. That's just a minor slip. We're good. Now just finish the order and go sit down and eat. This will play good to Joe Six Pack out there. Then Obama asks that his burger be medium-well. Well, crap! Most of us just order the freaking burger, Obama. Trust that the hard-working folks behind the counter know what they're doing.


So now the problem is that he ordered it medium well?


This is all horse-shit. All presidents go out for burgers and bring the media along for the ride.

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The fact Obama actually said "dijon" kind of blows the whole calculated outing of showing America that he and Biden are 2 regular guys.


And how many "normal" guys ask that their hamburger be medium-rare?



Obama's just a few months into the Presidency. But his clumsy and awkward Presidential moments are starting to pile up. Bowing to the Saudi leader, the Special Olympics comment on Leno, the numerous teleprompter stumblings, his awkward cadence and unfunny "jokes" when he speaks...


Of course, all those things are matters of style and don't mean a thing when it comes to decisions and policies made about our country and the world. But he's just not looking the part of President so far. Reagan seemed very Presidential. Clinton did as well (minus the intern BJ), and Bush, while not the brightest bulb, at least seemed genuine. Obama sometimes seems like an actor stumbling through his scenes.



ummm are you living in an alternate universe, W was genuine? Obama stumbling through scenes, clumsy and awkward? Really. Bush couldn't put together a coherent sentence, pronounce words properly, or use proper grammar. Remember when he gave the leader of Germany an inappropriate back rub at a dinner? and you are saying that Obama doesn't look Presidential when he is ordering a cheeseburger. :rolleyes


and I don't quite see how you think him and Biden going to a burger joint was "clearly" a photo op. This isn't Bush era anymore where anything the President does in public is a photo op. Obama goes out and about in the city all the time here and the press flocks to him every chance they get (unlike Bush, who did not eat at the local joints and the press didn't flock to when he left the whitehouse). This time around it got picked up across the national news. He and Michelle were at Citron last week, they go to their daughter's basketball games, there was the stop off at Ben's Chili Bowl with Mayor Fenty (did Bush even talk to a DC Mayor in public?), they show up at local schools, all of which hits the local media here, but I am guessing does not hit the national news. I seriously doubt this was a photo op of him trying to look like an average guy. He actually does go to the local digs and does things like everyone else. If you lived here, you wouldn't say "clearly" about him going to grab lunch somewhere. He is a lot more involved in the DC community than the previous 2 Presidents I've lived through in this town.



there is an absurdity to judging someone based on how they ordered a burger. that's the point of this thread any way.

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Obama and Biden clearly make an orchestrated attempt to show Americans that, like many of us, they go out to get burgers for lunch. And it all looks great. Then Obama asks if they have mustard. Still cool. I'm good with that. Then he has to specify the "dijon". Dammit Obama. You came SO close to the perfect photo op. But you're still OK, Barack. That's just a minor slip. We're good. Now just finish the order and go sit down and eat. This will play good to Joe Six Pack out there. Then Obama asks that his burger be medium-well. Well, crap! Most of us just order the freaking burger, Obama. Trust that the hard-working folks behind the counter know what they're doing.


OK I was not there, and I have never frequented this place, hell I never heard of it till the other day, so i have no clue about their service...But what if the person taking the order asked how would you like that cooked? You have no idea what the actual words were do you? regardless, you just order the freaking burger and never ever ever ask for anything other than standard. No extra pickles? Extra catsup? No catsup, no lettuce? etc... you always just order the freaking burger no questions asked?

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And when did being "regular" become good and "elitist" bad? It's the god damn president. I don't want him to be regular. This is not American Idol, folks.



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Perhaps Obama heard the employee ask the person in front of him how they'd like their burger cooked and when he ordered, he didn't wait to be asked, he just told them, making their day a little easier. If every customer would do that, it would make their workday a lot easier.

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Guest Jules
Oh, here we all go again.


Of course, regular guys know the word "dijon". Don't be stupid.


Obama and Biden clearly make an orchestrated attempt to show Americans that, like many of us, they go out to get burgers for lunch. And it all looks great. Then Obama asks if they have mustard. Still cool. I'm good with that. Then he has to specify the "dijon". Dammit Obama. You came SO close to the perfect photo op. But you're still OK, Barack. That's just a minor slip. We're good. Now just finish the order and go sit down and eat. This will play good to Joe Six Pack out there. Then Obama asks that his burger be medium-well. Well, crap! Most of us just order the freaking burger, Obama. Trust that the hard-working folks behind the counter know what they're doing.



I'll stand by my comment that many times he looks like an actor stumbling through his scenes.



(And I'll add that none of this means a shit in regards to how his Presidency will affect America or the world....but in our TV, image driven world, this is what happens.)

Dude, what's wrong with you?

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Ok, I figured it out. It's not me.

:lol I wasn't concerned - I knew it wasn't you.

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That is BS. Bush over and over throughout his first term at least used to stop at places on the road and it would just be reported on what he ordered. Ocassionally they pointed out that he either did not pay or had an aide pay, but I never once heard one person mock what he ordered.

I wasn't comparing this to what happened in the past, I'm talking about the present media situation. Bush may not have been mocked as much early in his 1st term because shows like Countdown and The RM Show weren't on the air yet. (Although I do recall having every minor slip of the tongue/awkward moment spread via the internet almost immediately... there were websites dedicated to tracking Bushisms!)


Regardless, every one of these guys/gals mocks now - it's part of the show. I don't watch the right-wing stuff so I have no idea if they're worse overall, but what I saw in that clip is no different from what I've seen from time to time on MSNBC. A high-profile politician on the "other side" does something slightly unusual, you spend 30-90 secs joking about it. It happens - I wouldn't get my panties in a bunch over this.

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The fact Obama actually said "dijon" kind of blows the whole calculated outing of showing America that he and Biden are 2 regular guys.


And how many "normal" guys ask that their hamburger be medium-rare?



Obama's just a few months into the Presidency. But his clumsy and awkward Presidential moments are starting to pile up. Bowing to the Saudi leader, the Special Olympics comment on Leno, the numerous teleprompter stumblings, his awkward cadence and unfunny "jokes" when he speaks...


Of course, all those things are matters of style and don't mean a thing when it comes to decisions and policies made about our country and the world. But he's just not looking the part of President so far. Reagan seemed very Presidential. Clinton did as well (minus the intern BJ), and Bush, while not the brightest bulb, at least seemed genuine. Obama sometimes seems like an actor stumbling through his scenes.

I don't think he asked for dijon? Didn't he ask for spicy mustard? I can't believe I'm engaging in this conversation. But anyway, there it is.


Also - if I ever order a burger, and I do from time to time, I ask for it to be medium well, minus ketchup, plus mustard (brown/spicy/dijon if they have it). Barack and I are soulmates. Elitist, shit-for-brains soulmates.

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I shouldn't have posted anything. I see things probably a little differently. To me, Obama just seems very calculated. I honestly could give a shit what he orders for lunch. Hell, I also like dijon mustard. And sometimes I order a salad and soup at a burger place 'casue I want something light.


But if I was President, and made an outing to a burger place with cameras rolling, "dijon" wouldn't leave my mouth. Just like joking about the Special Olympics would never leave my mouth. He's said numerous other things that just don't seem to fit in whatever situation he's in. He seems awkward many times. His "street smarts" don't seem quite right as President.



OK. I'm probably in .05 percent minority. I'm done on this topic.

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Guest Jules
I shouldn't have posted anything. I see things probably a little differently. To me, Obama just seems very calculated. I honestly could give a shit what he orders for lunch. Hell, I also like dijon mustard. And sometimes I order a salad and soup at a burger place 'casue I want something light.


But if I was President, and made an outing to a burger place with cameras rolling, "dijon" wouldn't leave my mouth. Just like joking about the Special Olympics would never leave my mouth. He's said numerous other things that just don't seem to fit in whatever situation he's in. He seems awkward many times. His "street smarts" don't seem quite right as President.

I'm no Obama fan, but this seems to reflect someone who is not calculated.

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I'm no Obama fan, but this seems to reflect someone who is not calculated.



His answers to questions are very calculated. His actions and expressions look very calculated. But sometimes he casually lets something slip out as an afterthought or "joke". I believe he says, "....mustard....dijon, or something like that."


Okay. NOW I'm done.

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