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Oh well,


Ask and ye shall receive.


If there is some kind soul out there...


Many thanks. :D


EDIT: Wow, very quick. Thanks to the good folk who sent an email. Happy to return in kind for those in need.

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Article in The Riverfront Times about the leak of the new album... and how Twitter is now at the forefront of the leak phenomena:




At What Point Did Wilco (The Album) Become Wilco (The Leak)?

By Annie Zaleski in WTF

Wednesday, May. 13 2009 @ 1:47AM


Yes, Wilco's eagerly anticipated new album, Wilco (The Album) leaked on the Internet last night. How do I know this? Why, Twitter, of course. I was first alerted via www.twitter.com/diditleak, which posted the news at around 12:45 a.m. Then I decided to search back to see when #wilco started trending.


The first mention I found of the new album came at around 8:30 p.m., from user freeloosedirt. Another user, dekkerd, chatted with him about it. But then things didn't get all crazed, capital-letters-and-exclamation-points, HOLY SHIT WILCO LEAKED!!! until 10:30-11:30 p.m. or so. Then the snap-judgment reviews started rolling in, with reactions ranging from "amazing" to"I want Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Wilco back" and "huge disappointment." Someone even did a "livetweet" of the first listen. That's not even mentioning the people putting up links to the actual album for download.


The way these illicit copies spread across the Internet is fascinating -- like a series of dominoes falling. When you look at a Twitter feed full of Wilco fans, you can really visualize the psychology and reality behind something like a big CD leaking early. Plus, by morning, news of the leak is going to hit blogs and mainstream media, more people are going to look for the album -- and the cycle will perpetuate itself even faster. (Now I wonder if the band/label is going to move up the release date at all.) Other musings: Something I've always wondered about leaks of big albums: They tend to happen at night, Why is this? Also, I'm dying to know where this leak originated, because labels increasingly have a tight grip on highly anticipated albums, and don't release promos at all to press for review. How did this even get out so early?

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Guest Speed Racer
Something I've always wondered about leaks of big albums: They tend to happen at night, Why is this? Also, I'm dying to know where this leak originated, because labels increasingly have a tight grip on highly anticipated albums, and don't release promos at all to press for review. How did this even get out so early?


I always thought it was because whoever gets it, gets it during the work day, and wants to sit down and have a listen before unleashing it on the masses. Or, is at work and can listen, but cannot upload until later.

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If someone would send me a link to the leak, I would much appreciate it!


Edit: I forgot there were no PMs. ikol83@gmail.com would be a good place to send a link!

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Oh well,


Ask and ye shall receive.


If there is some kind soul out there...




Many thanks. :D


EDIT: Wow, very quick. Thanks to the good folk who sent an email. Happy to return in kind for those in need.


the radiohead forum, atease has loads of links to the leak.

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As I search the internets and send out emails looking for a link to the leak, I have to say that I am a bit bummed that we aren't all listening to it streaming from WilcoWorld, like we did for SBS. That was one great night of fandom and love.


The sun is shining, I went for a run this morning, and a new Wilco album leaked. Today is starting out smashingly.

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