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Girls - Album

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Okay now , first of all have you listened to this record....... ? Okay jsut listen to it nothing I could say will say more than listening to it.

The characters in this band have a intresting backstory involving millionaries and cults but who cares bout all that rubbish, ALBUM is a record about girls

and heartbreak , well thats what its aboput lyrically at least. Ive been intranced by the recent resurgance of rock n roll or garage or punk or w.e this past year but Girls blow most of those records away and fit into the scene at the same time , they might not be the new Pavement or Pixies but dangit there a great rock n roll band and dangit these songs simply rule for a while i thought i needed to move to brooklyn to get my music carreer going but now i wanna move to sanfansico.


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  On 9/25/2009 at 8:26 PM, bleedorange said:

I never thought I would ever type this:


I completely agree with Panther.



My Life and Existence ins finally Vindicated!!1 YES!!


no sarcasm it felt good to read that, im not sure why though maybe its cause for the moment i feel like I am in this band

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has tons of full album streams including this one.


i was wary of the voice at first, but i got used to it and really liked the album.


I couldn't seem to find a real website with real bio info (the Myspace has little info) - The group is two guys and it's called "Girls" and he sings (or are there 2 singers?) from the female viewpoint sometimes. Do I got it right?

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  On 9/26/2009 at 1:43 AM, brianjeremy said:

This album just got a 9.1 from Pitchfork today, so it's gonna blow up. The review has a good bit of bio-info in it. Never heard of them but I'm checking them out soon.


More often than not, the higher an album ranks with Pitchfork, the less likely I am to enjoy it. I downloaded and listened to the Girls, and I’ll be damned if I know why they’ve reviewed it so highly.


This review was pretty much the last straw.




I went out and purchased it based on the review, and was thoroughly underwhelmed.

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  On 9/28/2009 at 4:33 PM, Good Old Neon said:

More often than not, the higher an album ranks with Pitchfork, the less likely I am to enjoy it. I downloaded and listened to the Girls, and I’ll be damned if I know why they’ve reviewed it so highly.


This review was pretty much the last straw.




I went out and purchased it based on the review, and was thoroughly underwhelmed.


that's why it's better to go to Metacritic and see what the average is. if something gets a really high rating on Pitchfork i will usually try to find some tracks to stream. then if the general consensus overall is good, too, then i will look more in depth.

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  On 9/28/2009 at 7:56 PM, bigideas said:

that's why it's better to go to Metacritic and see what the average is. if something gets a really high rating on Pitchfork i will usually try to find some tracks to stream. then if the general consensus overall is good, too, then i will look more in depth.



its definetly not better to do that.



I cry everytime I listen to this record and ive listrened to it from top to bottom endlessy since it came into my ars


ALBUM OF THE YEAR, yes their are classic records in the land of Nod

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I love this album.


I became interested in it because I repeatedly heard Hellhole Ratrace on the radio and it consistently caught my ear.


I admit I was inspired to listen to the whole album after reading the Pitchfork review, and I love the whole thing. I've been listening to it nonstop since Saturday. No, I do not blindly follow Pitchfork, and I often hate things they rave about, but after falling in love with Album (dumb name), I read reviews on other sites that I hold in high regard and it seems to have received nearly universal acclaim.


What do I love about it? I can't put my finger on it....it's like Elvis Costello meets Jesus and Mary Chain meets Phil Spector. Or something. ;) Whatever it is, I love it.

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After several listens I am really liking this album a lot.


And about the whole pitchfork thing, who cares? I generally like p-fork and have read it for years. Yes, there are some albums that are just plain bad that they hype, but more often than not they have introduced me to music that I would have never heard otherwise. I just don't have an abundance of time or money to go troll blogs, go to concerts of unknown bands just to find that one that is awesome, etc.

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  On 9/28/2009 at 9:11 PM, brianjeremy said:

After several listens I am really liking this album a lot.


And about the whole pitchfork thing, who cares? I generally like p-fork and have read it for years. Yes, there are some albums that are just plain bad that they hype, but more often than not they have introduced me to music that I would have never heard otherwise. I just don't have an abundance of time or money to go troll blogs, go to concerts of unknown bands just to find that one that is awesome, etc.


Me too on both counts, I managed to find the album somewhere... :shifty


P4K is a news resource to me, nothing more. I like to look at their lists and see how much I hate them.

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Guest Speed Racer

I'm really interested in this album, but haven't heard a note of Girls. That some people don't like the singer's voice, because that kind of stuff can bug me. I'll probably try a song before checking out the album.


  On 9/28/2009 at 9:11 PM, brianjeremy said:

And about the whole pitchfork thing, who cares? I generally like p-fork and have read it for years.


The thing that kills me the most of about Pitchfork is their complete inability to describe the music they're reviewing. Pitchfork alone has used the phrase "Beatlesesque-pop," or variations on the same more than all other publications in the world have used the phrase "risen from the ashes of Uncle Tupelo".

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yeah, my complaints about Pitchfork aren't usually because of what they champion, but mostly the very painful and sometimes impossible to read reviews, not to mention the smarmy attitude or the attitude that the review they are writing is as important as the music they're talking about.


i recognize their impact and applaud Schreiber for creating something so widely regarded out of his basement in suburban Minneapolis, but i think far too many people take what they say as the gospel. but what bugs me more than them slapping a 9.x on the latest thing, is probably the so-so reviews and scores (between 6-7.9) that they give tons of really great records (especially from what i've been told by former staffers about how they come about their scores). i mean i honestly know a couple people who check Pitchfork and just glance at the scores, anything less than like an 8 they automatically stop reading and likely never check out the record. which i know is super lame, but if i know some people like that personally, clearly they're not the only ones.


i guess i've never been one to have gotten into an album/band just from reading a text review really, even going back to before the internet. i prefer to listen to something first then read what others think about it and compare/contrast my thoughts. i'll take word of mouth recommendations or just taking a stab and downloading an album blindly over a written review any day, whether it's Pitchfork, Rolling Stone, or whoever. but i realize some people find reviews useful, so i definitely wouldn't say they're pointless or anything like that.

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Guest Speed Racer
  On 9/29/2009 at 2:28 PM, solace said:

i recognize their impact and applaud Schreiber for creating something so widely regarded out of his basement in suburban Minneapolis, but i think far too many people take what they say as the gospel. but what bugs me more than them slapping a 9.x on the latest thing, is probably the so-so reviews and scores (between 6-7.9) that they give tons of really great records. i mean i honestly know a couple people who check Pitchfork and just glance at the scores, anything less than like an 8 they automatically stop reading and likely never check out the record.


And that, we know, is the definition of a scenester. That stuff doesn't bother me because it's just a symptom of the disease. ;)


I think everyone tends to have their "Pitchfork score," plus or minus a few deviations. I tend to love music they rank in the 6's, and very rarely a low 7.


And don't get me started on the synthed, filtered crap they keep referring to as "rock." Call me old fashioned, but if I need to strain to hear a guitar in the mix (if it's there at all), it ain't rock. Plus or minus a few deviations. Quite possibly, it could be good, synthed, filtered crap. But when I open up my mouth expecting something to taste like donut and it tastes like hot dog instead, it can be jarring.

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