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As far as I know Trump is the only one to say kill the families to get to the bad guys.

Cruz: We will utterly destroy ISIS. We will carpet bomb them into oblivion. I don’t know if sand can glow in the dark, but we’re going to find out.

I was referring to Trump explicitly saying that we should be going after their families. The others hedge by saying that bombing Isis is the way to go, and that bombing may cause collateral damage.

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The New York Times linked to a fake news site in their latest anti-gun editorial: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/09/opinion/an-opening-for-states-to-restrict-guns.html?


The "ammunition" link points here: http://nationalreport.net/california-implements-statewide-ban-45-acp-ammunition/


Holy shit that is pretty fucking bad.

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The monster!!!


If you're going for sarcasm then I think you missed some of the context of what Mr. Trump was communicating.  The word firm sounds benign, however the statement does not.


Ah it would be so much easier if we all lived in a world of black and white like Hixter.  Words, facts and graphs should solely be based upon their meaning, regardless of the larger context and nuance of a situation.  



I think a certain level of callousness is required to make the terrible war-time decisions a President has to.


You are certainly right.  But take the Carson quote, he is ok with the death of thousands of innocent children.  THOUSANDS if that is not appalling I don't know what is.  Any president should not be ok with killing thousands of children, ever.  Carson, just drops it like it is no big deal.  Yes hard decisions have to be made in war, but the casual killing of civilians does not seem like a hard or terrible decision to them.  




Just remember that debate bluster is just that. They're vying for attention to secure votes, nothing more. They're doing what they think is best to become more popular. Trump is a first-rate ass-hat, and perhaps one of the numbnuts that's running against him will have the courage to take another tack. But maybe not. Doesn't seem like that kind of strategy has any hold over those types of voters. 


 I am not sure that this is all debate bluster.  I highly doubt that Trump, Cruz or Carson will back down from this rhetoric.  In the case of Trump and Cruz their hardline rhetoric has made them more popular and why would they stop.  Are we so sure that the adage of a candidate runs to the right in the primaries and runs to center in the general is true?

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They are responding to a stupid question though - as if the issue of killing innocents can be boiled down to a soundbite. Lord knows it's death to a campaign if you come across as soft when it comes to foreign policy, so not only does a candidate have to come across as hard-as-nails, he or she also has to differentiate himself from the rest of the field, because they're all right there, ready to slit your throat over the slightest pause or misstep.

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They are responding to a stupid question though - as if the issue of killing innocents can be boiled down to a soundbite. Lord knows it's death to a campaign if you come across as soft when it comes to foreign policy, so not only does a candidate have to come across as hard-as-nails, he or she also has to differentiate himself from the rest of the field, because they're all right there, ready to slit your throat over the slightest pause or misstep.


That is a telling statement of the current GOP if I have ever read one.  Rather than have a nuanced thoughtful answer to a deeply complex issue, it is just kill them all.  But thoughtful answers don't get press, soundbites do.  

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That is a telling statement of the current GOP if I have ever read one.  Rather than have a nuanced thoughtful answer to a deeply complex issue, it is just kill them all.  But thoughtful answers don't get press, soundbites do.  


That's why Rand Paul hasn't gotten any traction.

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I am not aware of any war won by bombing. WW 2 was aided by bombing and facilitated Japan's surrender but was not won by bombing. Vietnam was a good example of the limits of bombing. Bombing the hell out of them is a stupid, stupid plan. Bombing just a little is even dumber.


The real issue is do you or do you not believe radical Islam is a real, growing threat. I do and I suspect some of you do not and that may account for some rather pointed disagreements in this forum. I do not equate this with the early days of Vietnam where our policies doomed the war. North Vietnam was never a threat to America or its neighbors. ISIS is different. I believe it needs to be destroyed.


War sucks. Have any of you ever been to a VA? It can be heartbreaking. Be careful about war but if in one, go for the throat. You cannot eliminate civilian casualties, particularly when your enemy uses schools and hospitals as a safe house for their fighters. Consider civilians but this should not deter your plans.

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Well one war was won by bombing; that was the war against Japan which needed, rightly or wrongly, two atomic bombs dropped on population centers.  I mean do we want to do that again?  I don't think so. Is this a real threat?  I think we all agree it is.  Can the US of A win this by ourselves?  Not at all.  The 100 year war with the Arabs is going to continue until both the various Arab groups, countries, and other alliances decide that enough is enough. 


I have been to VA hospitals.  My father worked for the VA.  It has not been the same since the Viet Nam war because the resources to deal with a large number of vets needing significant services haven't been allocated for 40 years.  War isn't cheap, which is why Rand Paul may have some traction on this issue with some conservatives and even some liberals. 


I just don't know how anyone can think we are going to make "America Great Again" by bombing the shit out of people for years and years and sending more young people overseas to die and be maimed. 


I watched the entire debate last night.  It was like a cage match - Donald vs Carly vs Jeb and Marco vs Ted, and Chris taking a few hits here and there and Ben acting like a hard ass for a change.  The sooner the GOP winnows this down the better for them, but I hope everyone sticks around until Cleveland.  Cleveland ain't that exciting a place ever, so this will help bring some excitement to town.



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They are responding to a stupid question though - as if the issue of killing innocents can be boiled down to a soundbite. Lord knows it's death to a campaign if you come across as soft when it comes to foreign policy, so not only does a candidate have to come across as hard-as-nails, he or she also has to differentiate himself from the rest of the field, because they're all right there, ready to slit your throat over the slightest pause or misstep.

I think the question is legitimate taken within he context of the campaign trail rhetoric.

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I found out today that my mom and dad are Trump supporters. thank god I stopped discussing politics with them years ago.

This would be, for me,  almost as terrifying as finding out there's no Santa Claus.

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