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The fb group (a private group - must be “approved” to join) is called A Shot in the Arm and has 12k members.  It’s weird in that even though you have to use your real name (as opposed to here where

I really love both Cruel Country and Cousin, especially compared to Schmilco and Ode to Joy, and my understanding is that the former albums were both products of collaboration more so than the latter

On the topic of Hot Sun cover art, did anyone else here have a go at the DIY of it?  Thanks to @kidsmoke I have a copy right over the other side of the planet.  My DIY effort pales in comparative joy

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Copy of email from Wilco HQ below gives all the details. I think this is the leftover tracks from Cousins that Jeff mentioned in an interview when it came out (in Uncut I think).



New EP Out June 28 via dBpm Records


A new EP just in time for summer (and Solid Sound)! 

Hot Sun Cool Shroud features six new tracks from Wilco that have a summertime-after-dark kind of feeling. 

“It starts off pretty hot, like heat during the day, has some instrumentals on it that are a little agitated and uncomfortable and ends with a cooling breeze. There are tracks on Hot Sun Cool Shroud that are more aggressive and angular than anything we’ve put out in a while, and a song about love melting you like ice cream into a puddle of sugary soup. All the pieces of summer, including the broody cicadas.” - Jeff Tweedy

 The EP will be available digitally on June 28 (presave here), and Solid Sound goers will have the first crack at vinyl. 

Solid Sound Festival 

June 28-30th in North Adams, MA

We’re roughly a month away from Solid Sound! Limited 3-day and single-day passes are available here. We hope to see you in North Adams soon! 

Add Cover Artwork Designer to Your Resume

A limited run of white Hot Sun Cool Shroud EP vinyl has been pressed for Solid Sound. Those will be available on a first-come, first-served basis via the Autumn x Belltower records pop-up shop.  

During the festival weekend, you’ll have the chance to design your own cover using stamps and stickers featuring images from the “Bad Fruit” collection of visual artist Kathleen Ryan.  

Those interested can then submit their cover designs to dBpm Records. Our favorite will be selected for use on the standard LP and CD packaging when the EP is made generally available for sale in physical formats later this year.  

Limited quantities are available so make sure to grab yours fast!

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4 hours ago, martynep said:

more aggressive and angular than anything we’ve put out in a while,

Can’t wait to hear this ep!

Anyone here going to Solid Sound and want to pick me up a vinyl copy? I know it’s wishful thinking but thought it’d be worth a shot…

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Anyone know which tracks have lyrics & which are the instrumentals? Figure some may have shown up on "The Tweedy Show" and/or "Starship Casual" & that folks here might know... Life circumstances have kept me from being able to keep up as much as I'd like... Maybe, someday soon (cue up the appropriate "Being There" track now)... aaaaaaand, mic drop...

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On 5/29/2024 at 3:01 PM, RainDogToo said:

Here is the track list for Hot Sun Cool Shroud:

1. Hot Sun
2. Livid
3. Ice Cream
4. Annihilation
5. Inside the Bell Bones
6. Say You Love Me


I heard Say You Love Me on a tour of the Loft. It is gorgeous.


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On 5/29/2024 at 10:04 PM, linclink1111 said:

Anyone know which tracks have lyrics & which are the instrumentals? Figure some may have shown up on "The Tweedy Show" and/or "Starship Casual" & that folks here might know... Life circumstances have kept me from being able to keep up as much as I'd like... Maybe, someday soon (cue up the appropriate "Being There" track now)... aaaaaaand, mic drop...

Sleuthing through Wilcoworld, it appears "Livid" and "Inside the Bell Bones" are instrumentals. "Hot Sun," "Ice Cream" and "Say You Love Me" all have lyrics posted. I don't see anything for "Annihilation."

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On 6/5/2024 at 12:26 PM, DiamondClaw said:

Sleuthing through Wilcoworld, it appears "Livid" and "Inside the Bell Bones" are instrumentals. "Hot Sun," "Ice Cream" and "Say You Love Me" all have lyrics posted. I don't see anything for "Annihilation."


Thanks so much! And , as Columbo (Peter Falk) used to say- "Uhm, just one more thing..."... 

... I can't access the recent article in Rolling Stone involving Jeff speaking about the new EP & the first night "Deep Cuts" show at Solid Sound- it/they/RS asks me to start a free trial/subscription to see the full article (tried "going incognito" & that new tab/page wouldn't work either)...

... sooooo, if possible, if you could copy the text of it (simple "cut & paste) & get it to me somehow-

my email is "11johnlink11@gmail.com" and/or a PM here?- been so long since I've been more active here I don't recall how/if that (personal messages) works as a feature here, or not... Thanks again for your song/sonics sleuth work sussing out the lyrical from the instrumental songs/tracks & hope you can help with the recent Rolling Stone article...


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On 6/5/2024 at 12:26 PM, DiamondClaw said:

Sleuthing through Wilcoworld, it appears "Livid" and "Inside the Bell Bones" are instrumentals. "Hot Sun," "Ice Cream" and "Say You Love Me" all have lyrics posted. I don't see anything for "Annihilation."

Thanks so much! And , as Columbo (Peter Falk) used to say- "Uhm, just one more thing..."... 

... I can't access the recent article in Rolling Stone involving Jeff speaking about the new EP & the first night "Deep Cuts" show at Solid Sound- it/they/RS asks me to start a free trial/subscription to see the full article (tried "going incognito" & that new tab/page wouldn't work either)...

... sooooo, if possible, if you could copy the text of it (simple "cut & paste) & get it to me somehow-

my email is "11johnlink11@gmail.com" and/or a PM here?- been so long since I've been more active here I don't recall how/if that (personal messages) works as a feature here, or not- or just post the text of it here for all to enjoy!... Thanks again for your song/sonics sleuth work sussing out the lyrical from the instrumental songs/tracks & hope you can help with the recent Rolling Stone article...

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  • 2 weeks later...



This article has a detailed breakdown of every song on the EP. 


I did some digging for the lyrics to Annihilation and found them out there in the wild and it looks like a song that he debuted on The Tweedy Show. 


I’ll leave a little list here of the 4 songs that were debuted on The Tweedy Show, most likely in an earlier incarnation.


Hot Sun was performed on Episode 167. 

Say You Love Me was also performed on Episode 167. [if you go to the 20 minute mark of the episode, you’ll be able to hear them back to back with this song up first.]

Ice Cream was performed in a very brief snippet on Episode 143. These are the lyrics that I wrote down during the episode “when I first saw you, you said I was as cool as ice cream. You melted me…” [the snippet happens right around the 22 minute mark.]

Annihilation was performed on Episode 158. I had the untitled song listed as “A Kiss Before We Cry.” [the song starts at the 27 minute mark.]

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FWIW - literally written in real time as I get my first listen.


  • Hot Sun Cool Shroud - a very welcome upbeat song. A bit more subdued than I would like, when I compare with Magazine Called Sunset for example. Turn up the electric and fade the acoustic with the warn out strings IMHO. Lyrics without a phrase that catches my attention but the groove is growing on me.
  • Livid - Would be fun to see live. If that approach/sound were applied more liberally elsewhere it would make Wilco perk up a bit from their strummy habits. Could do with some 'Ace of Spades' style vocals - I am available. I also predict the appearance of Wilco ray guns on the merch stall.
  • Ice Cream - sorry, nodded off during this one. There is something about the tune that I love, but the lyrics grate with me here and there in the same way as happened from time to time on Wilco The Album (who can forget "further out than triremes row") - would almost be better as an instrumental for me. It ain't no Reservations.
  • Annihilation. Now we're talking. But recorded at 7 when it should be at 11 (a disease that blighted Meant To Be also). 
  • Inside The Bell Bones - José Feliciano meets Desert Island Discs. It came and went. Only lacking the background sound effect of the bottom of barrels being scrapped. There's nothing wrong with a 5 track EP is there?
  • Say You Love Me - A piano led tune is a pleasant change, plus a nice bit of squirrel strings - a variety in arrangement that has been missing for a while. Thought it was dipping in the middle but liked the way it picked up again towards the end. Another grower probably, though won't be replacing Hey Jude as a football tune chant.


That all probably sounds harsh but I'm a grumpy old git with limited time (left) to listen to music and have always been pretty picky. My overall impression is actually very positive. This is a very welcome change in direction with some very nice aspects and 2 or 3 tracks that I would be sorry to see lost in an EP that I won't be able to get hold of. Hoping there might be some kind of Cousin+ reissue on CD that includes it (Spoiler Alert - I haven't bought Cousin yet: I think the only album I have bought this year is Frightened Rabbit - Liver Lung ER, which is one of my top 5 live albums). With millennia of bards and eisteddfods behind us we Welsh know a thing or two about music and Kate Le Bon has been a kick up the arse to Wilco. A few more judicious wallops will do no harm. 


Feel free to vehemently disagree. That's just the way my ears work - my intellect has little influence, and I kind of like it that way as far as music is concerned.

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What a great listen. The opening track was the biggest shock. It's the first thing they've done in over a decade that doesn't sound like it happened in the loft. It came out of a space ship.


Overall it feels like if the Cousin sessions were done with the sheer playfulness of Star Wars. I'm reminded in attitude, if not sound of Deerhoof. Like, "We went looking for sounds and came back with all this! Isn't it fun, check it out!"


When Jeff described alien shapes in the lead up to Cousin, this is more what I had in mind. A somewhat disposable instrumental doesn't diminish this for me, it makes everything feel more anarchic and exciting like "Piggies" or "Honey Pie" on the White Album, or "Bugs" on Vitalogy, or choose any curious toss off on Alien Lanes.

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I'll just come out and say it:  Tweedy's singing doesn't connect with me anymore.  I don't know if it's the way he's recorded or mixed, or the way he sings.  But whatever it is, I'm no longer a fan.  It's not his fault.  He can obviously do what he wants.  Maybe I've had my fill.  Don't take it personally Tweedy.  I've had my fill of John Coltrane, too, so you're in good company.


Aside from Livid, which Tweedy doesn't sing on,  I'm not hearing them put anything new on the table with this release.


I do think Wilco is an incredible ensemble of musicians, easily one of the best live performing groups in the world, and I like the direction they're hinting at on this EP, but it's the tiniest of baby steps towards what I have been hoping to hear from them. I'll check back in on the next one.



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13 minutes ago, lost highway said:

first thing they've done in over a decade that doesn't sound like it happened in the loft


13 minutes ago, lost highway said:

it makes everything feel more anarchic and exciting like "Piggies" or "Honey Pie" on the White Album

Good calls.

7 minutes ago, jff said:

Tweedy's singing doesn't connect with me anymore.  I don't know if it's the way he's recorded or mixed, or the way he sings.

I know what you mean. 


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13 minutes ago, jff said:

I'll just come out and say it:  Tweedy's singing doesn't connect with me anymore.  I don't know if it's the way he's recorded or mixed, or the way he sings.  But whatever it is, I'm no longer a fan.  It's not his fault.  He can obviously do what he wants.  Maybe I've had my fill.  Don't take it personally Tweedy.  I've had my fill of John Coltrane, too, so you're in good company.




Yeah, and this has been true for like 3-4 albums for you (I imagine). Judging by how firmly he's landed in this sonic approach/vocal delivery I think it's permanent. It doesn't bother me, but I think I know what you're hearing. He doesn't project or have as much grit as he used to.

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30 minutes ago, lost highway said:


Yeah, and this has been true for like 3-4 albums for you (I imagine). Judging by how firmly he's landed in this sonic approach/vocal delivery I think it's permanent. It doesn't bother me, but I think I know what you're hearing. He doesn't project or have as much grit as he used to.


True, going back to Schmilco, probably.  To my ears, Tweedy's singing used to include a much wider range of passionate emotions, from goofy humor to deep despair, with many stops in between.  That's what I want from music.  Now he sounds like he's being dragged along by the song, sometimes against his will.  That can be a great approach on some songs, but not on all songs.  


I'm not trying to convince anyone.  That's just how it comes across to me. 

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Regarding Tweedy's vocals, I wonder if still stems from his sinus operation --- don't remember when he had that done - so I may be way off. 


From the tapes I have heard - he still sounds good live - perhaps it's just in the studio and the tunes he has been writing over the last 10 years or so.

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Have to agree with the frustration at the continued lack of projection and passion in Jeff's lackluster vocals. It's not new, and not a total deal-breaker, but I still miss the old Jeff. That said, first impression of this EP is it rocks!!

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Raising my hand on Jeff’s vocals. I really started to notice it on his solo stuff. It is a weird whisper thing that is dare I say borderline annoying. It is frustrating cause the lyrics are top notch and live it sounds great. 

As for the EP it is always good to get new music. Livid is my early stand out and I wish was another minute or so longer, the idea just gets going and stops. Whereas Inside The Bell Bones should be 30 seconds shorter. 

Ice Cream is a meh, but Say I Love You is great and works with Jeff’s current vocal style. I like the strings in that one. 

annihilation needs an editor. I am for weird guitar parts but they need to have purpose. I am not sure the purpose. 

And hot sun, did Jeff just wake up?  But you know who is there and awake for the song, John. The bass part is great. Also at a quick listen it sounds like Wilco are tying to do the Cure.

Just first thoughts on the EP. Good not great. I am unsure how often I will revisit. 

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