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Everything posted by cryptique

  1. I know it's all been called by the talking heads on TV, but I want some more concrete results before I'm completely satisfied. That said, I'm feeling pretty damn good right now.
  2. Forget McCarthy, they don't even know what communism is.
  3. It's such a tough sell that the nation is poised to elect a black president, something that was unthinkable until quite recently, just to change course.
  4. I will go to bed, thinking it'll be easier to just wake up in the morning and see the results. But then, around midnight, after being unable to fall asleep, I'll sneak out to the computer to catch up on the news. Then I'll probably find myself locked in the den flipping the channels. When I see a concession speech happening, I'll go back to bed, either very happy or extremely upset.
  5. Sly & The Family Stone - There's A Riot Goin' On
  6. So that's what he was doing while he was "retired."
  7. "jakobnicholas" is actually a complex vote-suppression algorithm run via a network of zombie computers.
  8. Arrived at 6:35 for 7 AM opening and was behind approx. 75 people, just inside the door to the building. The line got much, much longer before the polls opened. By the time I voted and peeled out of there, however, the line had shrunk to the point where everyone was inside the building. I walked out around 7:30, so I didn't quite wait an hour. This is in Ann Arbor, ward 4 precinct 7. Ward 5, precinct 7 votes at the same location, but their line was a bit shorter than ours. Slackers.
  9. I wish I could have gone out with Tabitha Soren.
  10. In what is hopefully not an omen for the actual election, my vote seems to have been discarded or recorded incorrectly.
  11. Though not a Pistons fan, I've come to appreciate and respect the way that Dumars has built that club. Having said that, I think he's lost his mind.
  12. I heard that Ty Willingham will be looking for a job.
  13. And yet, Bobby Bowden still "coaches." If he weren't trying to outlast Paterno, he'd have been gone years ago.
  14. That sure wasn't much of a Bears game, but thank cod they won it. I thought they were doomed when Orton went down. Weird that Detroit scored all of their 23 points in the second quarter.
  15. Happy Birthday all three of you!
  16. Hey, give my cat back! Oh wait, he's right here.
  17. A video to help anyone who's still "on the fence" to decide: Obama Is Beautiful World Yeah.
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